Ch. 5

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As if disgusted by your touch, Jimin shook off your hand immediately after exiting the store, his mouth forming into a scowl. You weren't surprised by his actions, remembering how he treated you the day before.

"What do you want to tell me?"

"I need your help."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"If you don't help me, I'll die." 

This wasn't a lie. If you didn't manage to get back to your world anytime soon, the chances of you becoming a zombie yourself were high, since you had no experience fighting off zombies.

"I still don't see your point here."

You gave out a frustrated sigh. "Think about it. I died because you refused to help me, and that makes you a murderer. Do you want that to happen?"

"Ever since this zombie invasion happened, all I did was kill zombies that were once humans, so I am already a murderer. No, I'm a serial killer." Jimin deadpanned.

Well, he isn't exactly wrong.

"I know you don't like me, but please, just help me this once, and I won't bother you ever again. Don't you want that?"

He thought for a while and seemed to agree with you. "That's good, but what do you need help with, anyway?"

"Bring me to the Zombie King."

Jimin's eyes grew wide at your request. "What?! Are you trying to kill yourself?!"

"I... I just need his help with something." Seeing that the man was about to ask what it is, you quickly added, "Top secret. Don't ask."

"Fine, but I have to warn you: there are a lot of zombies surrounding him, and they'll attack whoever is near them. Are you really sure about this?"

"And... that's the part where you come in." You gave a wide grin, eyeing him nervously when you did so.

"Hold up, did I miss something? I thought all I had to do is tell you where he was at?"

"Didn't you say you were good at shooting zombies? So, I figured that you can help distract them while I sneak in. It's just that simple."

Jimin held up two hands in defeat, "Look, it's not that I don't want to help you, but I can't. The Zombie King controls all zombies, obviously, so there'll be hundreds, if not thousands of them all around the area. They outnumber me too much, and I'm not planning to become one of them anytime soon."

"Can't you help me distract them? Just for a little while?"


"Fine. If you won't help me, I'll find someone else then. I never believed that you're the best in the base, anyway!" You pulled a long face at the man before stomping away, a speechless Jimin stood rooted to the spot.




You decided to pay Yuri a little visit to get more info about this world, and quickly spotted her in the hospital. Before you could greet her, Jin suddenly popped up, a warm beam on his face.


The startled girl looked pleased at Jin's presence, but quickly hid with a professional smile. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Nope. I'm here just to talk to you about something."

"M-Me? What is it?" 

"First, I'm so sorry for always stopping you from following us on our monthly searches. I've talked to Jimin and Taehyung, to which they both agreed that your performance was excellent just now, and could easily be the best if taught properly. Thus, I've decided to personally teach you all defense skills I know, starting from tomorrow. Is that okay?"

Yuri tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and simpered. 

"Of course! I-I mean, it'd be a great chance for me to hone my skills."

Jin's smile widened at her words, "That's decided then! I'll meet you at the main hall tomorrow evening. See you there!" He ruffled her hair gently before walking away, leaving a very flustered Yuri frozen on the spot.

You watched as a deep blush slowly covered her face when she recovered herself. The girl then covered her face with her hands before emitting a tiny giggle.

It's time for me to shine.

You tiptoed towards Yuri and gently tapped her on the shoulders, gaining her attention.

"Hi there, do you wanna be Jin's girlfriend?" Your blunt question took Yuri by surprise as she fumbled for words, her cheeks growing red as she did so.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Oh come on, you and Jin obviously are interested in each other, but no one is willing to initiate the first step, yet. Therefore, I have decided to help you both become a couple."

"W-Will it work?"

"I can assure you, that after having my help, the couples all lived happily ever after, with several kids on their own. If they can manage being happy under the current circumstances, I don't see why you should not seek my help." Your bluff seemed to convince Yuri, as she looked more interested in your offer.

"What do you want in return?"

"Well, all I need is you and Jin's help."

Yuri tilted her head, confused at your request. "What is it?"

"Bring me to the Zombie King."






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