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Takes place on August 9th. (Grians birthday technically)


Grians pov

I haven't seen anyone all day. Well, I've seen one or two people but they immediantly flew away from me. Did I do something? I flew off to see if i could find Mumbo, he'd never leave me hanging. I flew up to his base and knocked on the door. No answer. I started to get sad and walked into his house. Where is everyone..? I opened my tabs list and saw majority of everyone online. I took out my communicater and saw everyone typing and chating with each other. I typed. 'hello? Where are you guys at?' I didn't get an answer, they just ignored me. Thats it.

Grian has left the game

I sat alone in the empty dark room, looking through my servers. Hot tears were going down my face. I wasn't one to cry but here i am. I logged onto my brothers server.

Philza's pov

Grian has joined the game

Grian? Whats he doing here? I quickly flew to spawn to find my younger brother sitting down on the doc. I walked up to him and opened up my vc to talk to him. "Hey little bro, watcha doing here?" I tilted my head as i asked the question. He didn't answer. I placed my hand on his shoulder. He was trembling. "Grian..?" I sat beside him and he pulled me into a tight hug. "C-can i stay a night here..?" His voice sounded heart-broken. I just simply nodded and wrapped my wings around him. He loved when i did that, it always made him calm down. "Can you tell me what happened? Why aren't you with your friends?" He squeezed me tightly. "They won't stop ignoring me.." That made me upset, why would they be ignoring him?

Mumbo's pov

We finally pranked Grian but I think we took it to far. Scar and me were waiting at the spot where Grian had quit the game. I feel terrible. "Hey Mumbo..?" I looked up at him from sitting down on a rock. "Yeah?" He had a sad expression on his face. "isn't today Grians birthday..?" Silence. We both quickly pulled out our communicaters and started spamming the chat for everyone to come to {Le said cords}. Grian had a bit of tramua from being ignored most of his life, only his brother would ever give him attention. We didn't think this through at all..


Its almost midnight and Grian still isn't back, we have around two mores hourse before everything is over.

Grian has joined the game

I looked at my communicater and watched the chat. He didn't say a word. 'Hey Grian can you come to my base please?' He waited a few moments before responding with a 'Sure :D'. I know he wasn't really happy at the moment. Everyone was hiding behind the walls. "Remember not to scream okay?" They all nodded. I walked outside to wait for Grian. I sat on a chair on the porch and waited. I soon heard the flapping of his wings. I looked down at him and his cheeks were red. Was he crying.? He didn't look up at me with his usual cheerful smile but instead a sad gloomy frown. "You needed me?" I nodded and inside as he followed me. "Mumbo why is it dark?" I flicked on the light and everyone was standind side by side. "Grian were sorry for ignorning you all day.." I spoke for us all and everyones express changed a bit. We all felt horrible. I felt his arms wrap around me. He looked towards the others with a smile, holding out one of his arms for them all to join. They smiled and joined the hug aswell. "Don't know if this ruins the mood but, you guys a suffocating me-" I let out a nerous laugh and the room broke out in laughter.

Grians pov

Everyone broke out into laughter at Mumbos remark, I couldn't help but giggle myself. "We tried to make you cake but we almost burnt the house down, eheh.." I slowly turned my head to Scar. "In whos house.?" I took my axe out. "Yours." He said it in a small quiet voice. He quickly ran out and i ran after him with the others following behind us. This is gonna be fun.


I almost hit him a few times but i kept tripping. At this point we were running in circles. At least it helped me calm down. I started to laugh and Scar turned to me. He smiled and me and walked up to me and hugged me. We lost the others so we flew back. We all had fun the rest of the night. At least we made up. Tonight is gonna be fun.


This is really old- So here ya go, look at da cringe reading.

I gotta feed meh children (Please take no offense to that-)

and since this is old spelling might not be so great bc I don't recheck my work till later

Hope your day/night goes great! :D

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