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Kinda disappointed in myself with this one, and also that one person who requested that story ill start writing it soon, sorry for the delay!


           I chased a few of the hermits around, trying to get them to take the tag. Everyone would ignore me and stay away from me. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to make this game.. I flew into Xisuma's base in search of him. He was kinda like a dad to me and the other Hermits sometimes. He didn't seem to be home so I walked up to his room. He wouldn't mind if I rested here right? I thought against it but climbed into it anyway. He didn't usually let me in his room when I was over, it did look a little messy. His blankets were always soft, sometimes I'd come over when the weather would be bad and loud and he'd let me snuggle up into his blankets that he'd bring down. I'd go visit Mumbo when I was bored but he'd run away. What if Xisuma ran away from me as well.? Everyone is running away from me just because of this stupid game. I was tempted to get up but didn't, I wanted to go home but didn't. I laid down and curled up into the soft blankets and closed my eyes. Off to sleep I went.

(Switching to Xisuma's pov :D)

      I walked up to my base, and stepped inside. I had just got done working on a farm and came home to clean up. As I started to walk to my room I saw it was creaked open. I slowly walked to the room and peeked my head in to see Grian curled up in my blankets. He looked like he was asleep so I walked over and sat next to him. He knew he wasn't supposed to be in my room but why now? He always followed the rules I've given him, something must be wrong with him. His feathers were ruffled up and his hair was a mess. Maybe he'll tell me what's wrong. I stayed by his side all night, worried about him. I was protective over all the Hermits, they were like my kids. I'd get them out of arguing and disagreements with each other. I cared about all the Hermits, whether they were hurt emotionally or physically.

(Timeskip to the morning and its third person)


     Grian sat up from the bed and Xisuma looked over from where he was sitting at his desk.   "Good morning Grian"  Grian stayed quiet for a few moments. "You're not gonna run away.? Or yell at me because I went into your room.?"   Xisuma simply shook his head and walked over to him, pulling him into a hug. Grian calmed down and returned the hug, with a tight grip. It was a rare thing Grian did but when he felt really secure with someone he'd hide them both in his wings, and so he did. (I hate being rushed while writing, it makes things not good :c) Xisuma stayed with him until he let go. "Wanna explain?" Grian let out a small nod and sighed. "I don't wanna play the tag game anymore if it means everyone is gonna just run away from me.." "Well I could tell everyone that you wanna end it" A smile creeped onto Grian's lips and he nodded. "Alright bud, I'll make a server announcement and I want you to go hang out with your friends" Grian nodded and shot up from the bed, running out of the room.

     After Xisuma made the announcement things started to go back to normal, Grian went back to working on his megabase. Mumbo and a few others came to help him with cleaning up the area. Grian was thankful for the help and thankful that Xisuma made things go back to normal. Grian burned the tag and the book. "Good riddance."

Or was it?


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