a/n What the heck you just read

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Idk either.

I just wanted to write a prequel for how MC and Jotaro met. Most of this was supposed to be in the original story, but I didn't want to start too far back when I wanted Jotaro to heal. There was a lot left out in the original because of that.

The original story was supposed to start in Morioh. Crazy, right? Then it was supposed to go to the hospital scene, but I wanted the audience to see their history revealed slowly.

Am I masochist? No.

Am I a sadist? Probably.

Where did this balls thing come from? MAN, EVEN I DONT KNOW. I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS HOT.

I... have issues.

Um, I hoped you enjoyed this story. I know it was more wilder than the last one.

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