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Jisung could only sigh. It seemed that was all he was capable of whenever Changbin was in sight, even if all he was doing was performing whatever mundane tasks possible without difficulty.

This time, Changbin had been speaking to a friend (said friend's name being irrelevant) with a set smile on his face. Of course he wasn't able to overhear any of their conversation — that would make him more creepy than nosy — but it was so charming for some reason. Something so simple like talking couldn't ever be charming if it were someone else.

Jisung watched after Changbin's lips as they morphed into many different syllables, word after word, line after line. They were unintelligible. Jisung didn't have any special talent for lip-reading.

"Wasn't Mr. Won so damn annoying today?"

Then Jisung had to look back once his friend's complaint sounded. He nodded.

"For real, this bitch used half of the lesson for revision and the other half for the actual assessment! We could have just had a separate revision lesson if—"

Seungmin's complaints were in the same fashion, except consisting of rambling and more rambling, which gave Jisung his cue to look back. Changbin had now been walking off. He followed his figure until he was out of sight, and inaudibly sighed, wondering if he went inside to get lunch or anything else.

Jisung always wondered what Changbin was doing.

"— and I literally only got two paragraphs done because his instructions were so damn specific and picky and — what about you, Jisung?"

Jisung looked back again. "Huh?"

"How much did you get done?" Seungmin said.

"Oh... like everything, but only half a conclusion," Jisung gulped. He picked at his food with his plastic utensils, and they snapped at the slightest pressure of his hands.

The ravenette groaned. "How did you get that much done in thirty minutes? I need the full hour for this shit!"

Jisung only shrugged. His eyes travelled down to his lunch once more, and he wondered what Changbin was going to eat, or what Changbin was even doing inside the main building, or if Changbin had already eaten.

"Jisung is getting drier every single day, I swear..." Felix murmured, but paired it with a snort just in case some hostility came across. Which it did.


Jisung heard his name and only then was when he snapped back up.

"Exactly my point," Felix sighed, "but it's okay, we love you!"

Seungmin's eyes widened comically, meaning to mock the mock-tiktok trend and gasped. "Does he hit you?"

He couldn't think of anything to say. So all he did was laugh at his friends' humor. It was funny, but Jisung didn't feel like he could add anything, head whirring with only thoughts of Changbin.

What would he even say to him if they ever got the chance to talk?

He couldn't think of anything to say.

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