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A miracle.

The two shared a single class — food tech — and the teacher just happened to pair the two together. Jisung and Changbin.

Jisung's mind went blank. He couldn't focus on the task, the ingredients in front of them, the teacher's instructions, anybody else in the room or the things they had to get out of the cupboard. It was just him and Changbin working together.

He snapped out of his trance just in time to notice Seungmin from across the room snickering at him then side-eyeing the boy he was beside. Jisung put his index finger up to his lips to shush the ravenette.

"Anybody have any questions?"

Someone's hand rose to ask about how to work the ovens again. The teacher's response was muffled. It was like Jisung was underwater.

He looked at the boy again — the cliché with an undercut — who was fiddling with the strings of his apron, seeming to have trouble tying the ends together. Jisung watched him give up completely before attempting a whole different way to tie it around his waist.

"Do you want me to do it for you?"

Changbin raised a brow, but it fell when Jisung stiffly gestured towards his waist.

"Uh, yeah, thanks." he nodded back. He watched Jisung's frame disappear behind him, tugging here and there, but all in all, innocently tying a knot.

He came back into view once more. Internally, his blood had rushed up to every corner of his face and ears; externally, however, he kept his cool. He couldn't possibly be weird in front of Seo Changbin.

"I'll get the tray," he affirmed, "you can get the other stuff if you want."

Jisung nodded. He was incapable of even mustering up an 'okay'.

He got their cutting board out, read the instructions again, preheated the oven and whatnot: it wasn't too much of a hassle.

It wasn't as if they worked particularly well together, but they weren't bad. Their dish turned out to be edible.

"Can I try your chicken korma? Seungmin isn't letting me have any of his," the blond, Felix, whined.

At that, a scowl sat neatly on Seungmin's face. "Mine is actually good, thank you very much."

Felix raised a brow. "I heard some classes didn't even get to wash their rice!"

"Exactly! It means this dish is top-notch quality."

"Oh, yeah, let's just find a table and then I'll get it out," Jisung finally found a place in the conversation to contribute to. The idea made him smile.

"Why are you smiling?" Oh. "Don't tell me you enjoyed that lesson?"

"You complain so much, Seungmin," Felix snickered.

"Right, it's Jisung who should be complaining here! He got partnered with Seo Changbin!"

Jisung's teeth were suddenly clamped shut. All he could manage was a shorter smile than prior.

"What was it like working with an asshole?"

"Uh," Jisung had to think of words, words, words with an increasing pace, "it was fine, he was nice."

"Yeah, yeah, you're way too nice."

STRANGERS. binsung Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora