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Jisung met Changbin's eyes from across the canteen. Changbin was with his friends getting food, and likewise, Jisung was with his too, except already seated.

'Should I wave?'

He waved. But Changbin only pulled the 'acknowledging nod' back, quickly turning his attention to the lunch line, talking to the nice lady who handed him his food after scanning his fingerprint.

Jisung took a bitter bite out of his pizza roll. He thought they were close enough to at least wave, but apparently not.

It was as if Changbin didn't even know him inside of the school building.

'Then why did he approach me first the other day?'

The other day — as in, at the playground.

"Can we go to the library after you're done?"

His head swivelled to his friends at the sound of Felix's voice. Right, he had friends too: even if he wasn't a popular cliché little douche with an undercut, he had friends, and he was satisfied with that.

Jisung nodded. He shovelled the rest of his pizza roll down his throat, and unintelligibly spoke, mouth full of food. What came out seemed to be a firm 'sure', and it earned a giggle from the group.

'Is he embarrassed to know me or something?'

Never mind that.

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