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"Have you done the literature homework?"

"No, when's it due?"

"Next period, dumbass!"


"This is why I always ask."

Seungmin and Felix didn't bother asking Jisung if he had done the homework either. He had already spaced out, stuffing his well-awaited pizza roll into his mouth, wondering about all things.

Felix had his exercise book splayed out onto their table. He seemed to be hastily jotting down anything to do with the assignment, half-assing it to the max. Just as quickly as he started, he put his book back into his bag and continued eating.

"You look like you put zero effort into that." Seungmin snickered.

Felix only continued merrily poking at his pasta. "I don't care about no Shakespearean shit."

"You know Mr. Kim will pick someone random to read theirs out, don't you?"

Felix giggled and ate his pasta wordlessly.

'That's what it is. I have to be more interesting. I need to have a set personality trait, like Felix who never does his homework, like Seungmin who always does his homework — like how Seungmin texts like a bitch, and like how Felix texts really really dryly — like how Seungmin is really good at talking to new people and is very meanly-friendly, whereas Felix is also really good at talking to new people but in a really nice way — oh my god.'

Jisung seemed to realise that his only personality traits were his inferiority complex and having a crush on someone.

Seungmin and Felix could easily be the main characters of some story. They were clearly more capable of that than him — Jisung was just too monotone and awkward, he could never set up the foundation to a good story.

His story would stay so stagnant, so still, and so dull.

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