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Everything significantly dulled from there. School was as usual — homework, lessons, some exams, nothing too important. Jisung managed to rebuild his friendship with Felix and Seungmin again by properly paying attention to conversations and chipping in.

Though his eyes still wandered far, far away, into the distance where Changbin sat happily with his own painfully popular clique of characters, Jisung could say he was fine. It was never going to happen anyway.

Obviously that still hurt him. But saying it hurt less than it would have before that conversation days and days ago.

Jisung still went to the playground every weekend just in case he saw Changbin there. But he would never see the guy there again.

Changbin was the most suitable to use as a vessel. He was perfect to project onto — the untouchable, polite, yet infamously renounced popular dickhead — who was out of reach to anybody unworthy of being in his circle.

Yeah. Jisung could never talk to him. That was what made him so intriguing.

Jisung wondered and wondered and wondered and stayed true to his thoughts, never wandering astray from the comfort of his brain and its possibilities. He was creative. He had always imagined bumping into Changbin and getting to see the spectacle closer from the start.

It wasn't as if Changbin was inherently good, so what made him better than everyone else?

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