Chapter 2

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I sit in my class and all I could think about was him and his blue eyes looking at me , I just sit here wondering if he even noticed me walking to him .
My first period is pre-cal my least favorite class of the day because he is in there , since its my first day here and I don't know anyone I decided to sit in the front of the class closest , to the teacher who seemed to be a no show . I could hear all the conversations around me, I look around and see everyone on there phones listening to music , taking selfies , and showing each other pictures of what they did over the summer . All I wanted to do is talk to some one , I wish I could talk to him.

The bell rings for class to start and the teacher is still a no show probably after ten minutes of waiting the door opens and my heart stops as I see a tall 20-ish year old blonde blue eyed man , and right away I could hear all the girls in the room start to whisper about our hot teacher .

"Good morning class, I am your teacher Mr. Hayes welcome to pre-cal".

I couldn't take my eyes off of him for a second , but I didn't want to be the creepy girl in the front of the class staring at the teacher twenty four seven , so I got out my note book and just started at it while he talked .

Mr. Hayes took attendance "bobby"?

" here " , said a short awkward looking boy in the back


"Here", said another boy

"Brayden "?

" Here " , and I turned around and it was him , his name was Brayden I would never forget it .

My blue eyed loveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora