Chapter 6

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The bell rings to go home but the thing is I'm not going home I'm going to Brayden's house , I've never been to a guys house before , in fact I've never really hung out with a guy alone before . I mean I've hung out with a guy but it was a group date and I later found out he only went because he liked my friend Kaitlin . This would be the first time alone with a guy , I'm trying not to be nervous I mean we're just gonna talk and watch Netflix right ? We're not going to do anything we just met .

I put his address in my phone he didn't live that far from my house a few streets down , I pulled up to his house as I flipped my over head mirror down to fix my hair and makeup to make sure I didn't look bad , I added some of my new lip balm I bought banana strawberry it tasted so good.

"I wonder if he would like it "? I think as I imagine Brayden kissing me .

I text him saying I was here and before I could hit the send button he was standing outside his front door , all hot in his jeans and his nike tank top .

I was in awh as I sat there , I got out of my car and locked the door behind me I walked up the steps to his front door and I was welcomed by a great big hug.

"Omg he smells so good , like the hollister store but even better " I thought to my self .

I walk in and I was greeted by a tall Brunette woman in her mid 30s

" hello you must be addy "?
"Hello" I say all nervous and shaky .

"I'm Regina Brayden's mother "

"It's very nice to meet you ".

" mom were going to go to the game room to watch s movie ". Says Brayden

"Alright you two have fun ".

As we walk down stairs into this huge game room Brayden is in front of me holding my hand as we walk down the stairs, he's so warm and I can feel the energy between us it feels so good .

I sit down on the couch and watch him turn on his xbox and put on Netflix ,

"I bet I can guess your favorite tv show " says Brayden .

And as I watch him scroll through the tv shows he stops on the walking dead , I look at him and he looks at me

" you guessed right " , I say with a sweet nervous voice

" I knew it , I love this show ".

My heart skipped a beat not only because we had the same favorite tv show , because he was staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

We lay in the couch me cuddled next to him watching and so focused on the show he puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him , a can feel his abs under his shirt . I was so nervous , but I was more excited.

He looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes and his index finger comes underneath my chin as he pulls my lips to his .

The feeling of his lips were amazing soft, sweet , gentle to the very touch . I start to kiss him harder as he pulls me into his lap , next thing you know I'm on top of him kissing him , feeling him and I know something real is about to happen .

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