Chapter 8

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I pull up to my drive way and as I'm getting out of my car I can hear my dad screaming from inside , I run to open the door and I see my dad throwing his beer bottles everywhere , the TV is shattered on the ground the couch is flipped over on the ground .

I run in and scream to my dad

"Dad ! Stop! What are you doing?"

"I lost everything , your mom , my job, my life is over ."

As I slowly walk to my dad he grabs a piece of broken glass from his beer bottle and he stabs himself in the stomach .

I scream No!

"Daddy, no please daddy don't leave me I need you , I lost mommy and I can't lose you too please".

As I'm holding my dad in my arms I can hear him struggling for breath he looks up at me and says ,

" you look just like your mother ."

I start to cry as I see my daddy close his eyes and take his last breath.

He's gone , I'm alone.

My blue eyed loveWhere stories live. Discover now