Chapter 9

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It's been a week since the funeral and I haven't gotten out of bed once, my room is dark and cold my aunt brings me food but I never eat it , and I haven't talked to Brayden in a week or Rosie I can't even look at my phone right now .

It's my birthday , I'm 18 and I don't need a guardian anymore. I had to force myself to get up and take a shower to get ready to hear what my dad left me in his will.

It says that he left me four hundred and fifty thousand dollars and his car. they also told me I get to keep the house , but I know that I don't want the house , I don't need the constant reminder of the death of my mother and father around me , I need a fresh start .

I decided to turn on my phone , I had a hundred text messages and twenty missed calls they were from Rosie and Brayden , but there was one from a unknown caller , my dad.

I listen to the voice mail

"Addy my sweet baby girl I'm sorry about last night , and the way I acted I wanted to tell you I love you and to have a wonderful day my sweet daughter of mine "

My emotions hit me all at once I fell on my knees crying , but I feel a familiar touch it was Brayden , he picked me up and carried me to his car and placed me in the front seat . I look at him as he moves my hair out of my face and touches my cheek to dry my tears ,
He says to me

" Don't cry beautiful everything is going to be fine as long as I'm around your safe ."

He starts the car and he grabs my hand holding it tightly he looks at me then back at the road .

We pull up to his house he gets out of the car and goes around front to open my door for me I'm so weak. I haven't eaten in days , my energy is so low I can't even hold my head up . He picks me up and carries me into his house.

He carries me to his room and gently puts me in his bed , he lays me in the soft pillow and starts to pull my shoes off , he puts a soft blanket on top of me so that I'm nice and warm then he crawls into the bed and wraps his arms around me comforting me and making me feel protected and loved .

I wake up from my nap and I see Brayden with a bowl of soup and sitting next to me .

"You need to eat". Says Brayden looking at me so deeply with his blue eyes .

"Alright " I say struggling to sit up.

He spoon feeds me the soup and every time I swallow the delicious soup he kisses me on my forehead as if it's a reward , he's so beautiful to look at and this moment is all I want , every day .

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