Chapter 5

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It's 2 in the morning and I hear a
"Ding". Noise from my phone
" what?"
I reach for my phone struggling to even move as I look at the very bright screen that almost blinded me and I see a Instagram notification .

It was a comment on my photo from
I quickly unlocked my phone to view the picture and there was a comment below it said,
" hey text me sometime 😉"
"OMG , he messaged me this is so crazy"
I commented back
"What's your number"?
And in less than a second his number appeared on my screen I was in total shock .

The sun rose and the light filled my whole room and I woke up feeling so happy and excited to go to school , I was excited to go because I get to see Brayden and I was really hoping he would talk to me .

I got ready for school and I made sure my outfit was perfect and my hair was straight with the french braid that I do to my bangs looked good, I really wanted to impress him .

I pull up to school in my little red Honda CRV looking around at people's faces as I step out of the car , they're all looking at me , why? Did I have something on my face? Was there something on me ? I walked to class minding my own business and as I was walking to the door he was there , standing right next to the door looking all hot and beautiful and the best part was there was no sign of blondie.

I walk up to the door
" hey" , says Brayden
"Hi" I say muttering Barely able to get my words out.
" did you get my Instagram notification last night "? Says Brayden
"Ya I did , sorry I didn't text you I fell asleep before I could reply ."
"It's all good , I was wondering if you wanted to hangout after school today , maybe go chill at my house and play some video games and maybe watch Netflix ?" Says Brayden

" sure that sounds great just text me your address and I'll meet you there."

"Sweet I'll see you at my house "
He turns and walks into the classroom I'm in shock once again but I try to keep my cool so he doesn't see how nervous I am .

I sit down in class in the middle of the class not right in the front like a loner and all of a sudden this girl sits next to me .

"Hey , I'm Rosie Jackson ."

" hi , I'm Addy Baker it's nice to meet you"

"So I was wondering if you wanted to chill sometime , maybe go to the mall or chill at my house and watch tv ?" Says Rosie

"Sure , by any chance do you watch the walking dead ?"

" hell ya , that's my favorite show" says Rosie with a extremely excited voice .

" let's hangout this weekend I bet we have a lot in common , sit with me at lunch we can totally talk more ." Says Rosie

And that's when I met my best friend Rosie Jackson .

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