01: Prologue

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a/n;; this work was done by me! This is my imagination of what Sayuri looks like! Of course you can imagine her as you wish! Hope you enjoy the story!

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a/n;; this work was done by me! This is my imagination of what Sayuri looks like! Of course you can imagine her as you wish! Hope you enjoy the story!

"Isn't that Benimaru, the strongest soldier?" Shinra utters to Obi in hushed tones, a wicked grin spread across his face. Across the room from him sits Benimaru Shinmon, captain of company seven and the forces' strongest soldier.

Beni casually has his body slumped over the wooden stalls of the chapel, eyes cast down, completely uninterested in his surroundings. He overhears Shinra voicing his thoughts. "What's that you snot nose brat?" His eyelids flick open, the piercing rouge colour of his pupils boring into Kusakabe's soul. "Waka, please!" An older man nudges Shinmon with his elbow before turning round to face the other team waving his hands appologitcally at them. "Sorry about him.."

A sudden bang echoes from the back of the hall, everyone turns around except Benimaru and Konro. "Sayuri.." Beni mutters in a low voice. "Yep.." Konro replies with a smirk on his face.

"I'm so so sorry I'm late!" The girl stands at the back of the stalls and bows profusely. Raffles nods and beckons the girl forward.

This woman is absolutely striking to look at. Her hair tied back into two long pig tails, one side jet black in colour, the other side the fairest shade of ivory. A short navy box pleat skirt hugs her tiny waist and a deep burgundy sleeveless polo neck covers her relatively open top half. She has long toned legs covered in black fishnets that are slightly torn in places. She bounds over to the stalls, almost tripping on her loose laces protruding from her converse. She flops down next to Konro, pulling her legs up onto the wooden bench in a cross legged position. 'Sup Konnie" she beams at the older man. Beni opens his eyes slightly to look at the girl, only to roll them in annoyance and close them again.

"I see chuckles is his normal fun loving self!" The girl mocks and Konro gives a quiet laugh. Raffles silences the room and begins to describe the issue at hand.


"I have absolutely no interest in your agenda, I don't remember swearing an oath to your god or your empire". Beni is stood up, voice calm and collected. Konro stands up beside him as they both edge out from behind the stalls and begin to walk up the narrow centre towards the door. "We're going to continue on as we have been".

Sayuri raises up from where she's been sitting. "Unfortunately sir, I have to agree with Benimaru. Our company will continue to serve our city, but we're not interested in getting involved with your agenda". She bows and turns to face company eight. "I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to introduce myself properly, my name is Sayuri Tomaru. I hope to see you all at the yearly competition next week!" Her icy blue wide with excitement. She beams and waves her hand before gently jogging off towards the back of the hall where Konro and Benimaru had been waiting.


"For once if your life Lily, could you be on time for something?" Beni groans as the sunlight finally hits his face. Sayuri's face turns into a pout as the group casually make their way down the steps. "I don't mean to be late. And for fifty millionth time, stop calling me Lily!" She shoves her body into him with force but he doesn't even stumble backwards.

Konro laughs, "You two haven't changed a bit. Still mucking about like when you were kids". "Except now I can kick his arse" she retorts, giving Konro a small wink. Beni sighs exasperatedly "I could beat you blindfolded with my hands tied up".

Sayuri moves closer to Benimaru, leaning her body into his. With her fingertip she slides it up his neck tenderly until it rests under his chin. She brings his face up to hers. "Now you know that can be arranged Beni..." He flinches backwards as she bites her lip, quickly replacing his shocked face with a stern one.

"For god sake you two, no more flirting!" Konro places his hand on his forehead feeling defeated. "That absolutely is not what this is" Beni states gruffly pulling his navy Kimono over his shoulders more.

"Hey Sayuri!" A voice from across the street calls out. A young man with light brown hair bounds over to the group. He's tall, a similar height to Konro and seems to be about the same age as Sayuri and Beni.
"Itsukiiii!" Sayuri squeals with excitement before leaping onto the guy and wrapping her legs around his waist. She grabs his cheeks with her hands and pushes them together into a pout. "It's been forever, how are you?"

"Mmfgood thnx, youf?" He manages to squeeze out through pursed lips. Konro notices Beni's demeanor change as Sayuri and this guy Itsuki exchange pleasantries. He leans in towards him, "y'know if you both admitted how you feel about eachother instead of having these drunken nights of passion... maybe that would be you right now". Beni shoots Konro a glare. "Our relationship is not like that". He growls, not taking his eyes off Sayuri as her faces lights up with laughter talking with Itsuki.

"Beni, Konro, I'll see you guys later! Me and Itsuki have so much to catch up on" she giggles before giving Konro a big hug

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"Beni, Konro, I'll see you guys later! Me and Itsuki have so much to catch up on" she giggles before giving Konro a big hug. She wanders towards Beni, her face changed from the brightness it was moments ago, almost like she wants Beni to stop her. "I'll see you later, 'kay?" Her enchanting blue eyes focus on Beni's piercing scarlet ones, both of them faltering for a moment. "Yeah... later" he replies and gently shoves her shoulder towards Itsuki.

For the slightest moment, Sayuri looked sad before she spins on her heels and grabs Itsuki's hand. "Come on! I know this great shop that sells the best Daifuku!" He blushes as her hand clasps his and they walk off together down the road.

Konro's eyes shift over to Beni who's watching them walk away. He silently thinks to himself. Why do those two not see what they could have with eachother?

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