09: Flashfire

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I'm not a pawn; I'm the King

The wild fire sears past Sayuri and Jokatu, mildly scorching loose strands of her hair. The pair spin round, Sayuri's face etched with rage, fully expecting Captain Shinmon to be behind the blast. Her expression suddenly melts into determination.

Before them stands a blazing infernal. It has to be around 9ft tall, it's flesh looks crisp licking in crimson flames. A demonic grin posses it's ugly face as it staggers towards the pair in a drunkenly manner. A trail of scorched earth had been left in its wake as it makes its way from the kitchen area to the dancefloor.
Screams from one of the shooter girls echo around the hall as the music comes to an abrupt halt. "That's Katsuki! I-i was just with h-him" the girl wails in utter fear. "He just started to ignite b-back in the k-kitchen".

The infernal let's out a death rattling roar as it swings one of its loafing arms at a young male bystander. Sayuri pulls into a stance "Producing a brutish brown bear should match this scums height.." she interlaces her fingers about to command when Jokatu leaps out from beside her, his fists ignited with a powerful fire. "Flashfire fist!" He yells whilst gliding through the air. He lands his solid knuckles straight into the infernals jaw, sending the beast stumbling backwards.

Snake like vines slither up the fiery beasts legs, wrapping tightly around each limb anchoring it to the ground. Sayuri looks to her right, Hikari.
The ravenette female twists her delicate pale fingers, manipulating the vines further around her prey. She turns to Sayuri presenting her with a reassuring nod before refocusing on the infernal.

A large palm clasps round Sayuri's shoulder and pulls her gruffly back. Her slim spine moulds into the firm chest of someone oh so familiar. She turns her cheek and looks up, it's Beni .
"Are you ok?" He grumbles flatly, wrapping his arm round her chest in a protective manner, not taking his crimson orbs off of the onslaught in front of him.

By now more fire users had joined in the fight. Shinra using the immense flames emitting from the soles of his feet starts to land some kicks and Arthur using his aqua coloured blade to hack at the limbs of the fire titan.

Why would an infernal attack here? This is such a regular spot for fire squads, it makes no sense to be here. If someone is behind this are they trying to threaten us, sending us some kinda message?

A sea of thoughts swamps Sayuri's mind. "Enough of this" Beni strides over to the mismatched team who were still trying to wrestle it down.
"Iai hand sword style..." He slips the kimono from his shoulder revealing his toned biceps. "Form four, Red Sun!" Upon his palms form two lethal swords, fiery red flames licking off of them. Suddenly they plumet forward aiming right to the centre chest of the infernal. The blast hits and the beast implodes, thousands of tiny specks of ash and ignited flesh erupt into the air gracefully falling on the surrounding crowds like a blanket of snow in the winter.

Obi and Mayumi join the group after the chaos had finally been put to rest. "We need to talk about this, all the forces together" he suggests dryly, all the moisture gone from his throat.
Sayuri looks around her, all the Captain's have stepped forward with fists clenched and determined eyes glowing in the dark. "Let's go back to our quarters and talk this through" Beni suggests. Sayuri nods cautiously.

"All teams meet tomorrow at sunrise"

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