12: Late Night Drive

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I'll give you my heart. In exchange, show me your dreams

"That's the last of it I think". Sayuri examines her now almost empty room, it felt strange looking at it so naked. The bed, drawers and dressers all remained but any sign that the room had been lived in had gone. Burns hadn't specified how long the three of them were going to be away so she decided to not take any chances and packed well.

A soft tapping on the wooden door disturbed her from her trail of thought. "Mm come in". Mayumi peeps her head round and slides inside. "I know your not permanently leaving, but it didn't feel right just letting you go without a goodbye".

The door edged open ever wider to expose the rest of the company. Mayumi, Kira, Hikari and the other ladies within the team beam back at her. "We'll miss you" they chant. Sayuri grins before leaping at them, capturing them all in a gigantic hug. "You guys are the cutest! I'm going to miss you all so much. You are going to come visit right?"
The girls nod in unison. "Are you kidding? We get a free pass to come to the city whenever we want now! Plus the night life will be unreal" Kira excitedly explains.

A honking car abruptly ruins the moment. "That'll be your ride" Mayumi grabs the handle of one of the cases whilst Sayuri grabs the other two. It was early evening, the sky painted intoxicating shades of orange, pink and red. The dual haired girl closes her eyes as the air hits here face, taking a big exhale. It felt so strange knowing she was leaving her home for an unknown amount of time. Her only constant would be..

"We don't have all day. Get your cases in the car" 

Benimaru had pulled up in his car

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Benimaru had pulled up in his car. He sat casually with the window wound down and his forearm rested on the door frame. His fingers drummed impatiently against the ebony paint on the vehicle as Mayumi and Sayuri dragged the cases down the cobble path.
"Chivalry is dead huh?" Yuri jokes to Mayumi who lets out a piggy snort chuckle. The male slides open the door as the girls near the car, grabbing the suitcases out of their hands and wheeling them round to the trunk.
"Jesus Sayuri, you didn't need to bring your whole life with you" he moans whilst trying to move the luggage around like Tetris, finally squeezing the last bag in before slamming it closed.

Mayumi gives her best friend one last hug. "Be smart ok. Watch out for internals and watch out for your heart most importantly" she pokes her finger into Sayuri's chest. She knew what Mayumi meant.
It was going to be hard training the newbies up and dealing with the ever increasing number of infernal attacks in Tokyo but no where near as hard as trying to protect her heart from Captain of Company Seven.

After a few small tears she tore herself away and slipped in the car. The team waved her off and that was it, they were on their way to Tokyo centre.

Sayuri sat quietly in the front seat, studying the flashes of colour as cars speed past in the opposite direction. Beni notices her unusually flat demeanor. His vermilion iris' never leave the road but his hand wanders to her, finding it's resting place on her thigh. His warm touch takes her off guard for a moment before she turns to him and smiles meekly. "We need to talk" she murmurs.

Beni takes his eye off the road momentarily to gauge her expression. "Ok.. what about?" He quizzes, clicking down the indicator to turn left and then turning the steering wheel of the car with ease using his free palm. "Us.. whatever this is.." she expresses. He takes a moment before responding. "You know what this is, nothing has changed Sayuri. Has it changed for you?"
His words felt like a dagger to the chest. Nothing has changed..
Was he right? Her eyebrows knitted together in contemplation. It was true, the relationship they had was nothing new. It had been going on for years and yet suddenly she found herself bothered by his distant and uncaring attitude.
His answer made it very clear to her where his mind was at.

"This needs to stop. Us, here and now". Every part of her heart was going against her mind as she pushed his hand off of her leg. "You should be able to see other people, and so should I. I guess a relationship between Captains was never work" she smiled bleakly.

She would never know it but Benimaru felt like his heart had been crushed into a million pieces. He was so used to being able to have Sayuri and yet still be able to commit to Asakusa, the twins, Konro and the rest of his team. Knowing that Ishida Jokatu punk would be working with them both in close proximity made the situation so much worse.

"If that's what you want" he stated flatly.

"We're here"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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