07: Kanpai's

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The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.

"Come on Yuri, you must've picked an outfit out by now" Mayumi groans whilst slumping back on some of the scattered cushions piled up on Sayuri's bed. Stray tops and dresses hurtle past her from the closet as if a wild boar was attacking it's prey from behind the door. "I just can't find anything perfect to wear, you know Kira knows tons of cute boys and they'll be out. I need to dress to impress!"

After breakfast at Company Sevens quarters the two girls had headed back to their own abode.
Company Six's accomodation is quite luxurious in comparison to other companies, maybe because its looked after well by the girls.
It's a square shaped building, the bricks a dusk hue when the light bounces off it. There is a courtyard in the centre with cherry blossom trees gracefully swaying in the gentle breeze that sweeps through. An old wooden walkway runs through the centre connecting one side of the building to the other. Each one of company six has their own private quarters, Sayuri as captain had the best room. Her abode resided up a towering spiral staircase that looked out upon the local Riverside.

"How about this one?" She slips her frame out from behind the door and spins on the ball of her foot gracefully.
Delicately clinging to her figure is a crushed velvet emerald green gown. The plunging neckline teased the supple curves of her breasts. A thigh slit protruded up her long soft legs as she extended her leg through it in a posing fashion.
Mayumi beams, her violet eyes twinkling in awe of her best friend. "You look absolutely stunning Sayuri, the boys aren't going to know what hit them"
More like Beni won't know, she muses to herself.


"Let's make some noise for the birthday girl!" The DJ at the bar yells as the crowd cheers. Kira dressed in a golden kimono raises her glass to all of the friends that had come to celebrate with her.

Kanpai's is a popular hangout in the city of Asakusa, especially for the local fire squads. Forever teeming with fire users or fans of the squads trying to get close to the teams. The entrance to the club sat at the top of mountain of stairs, each step sticky with the amber liquid that had been sloshed and spilt over previous nights. Once down the stairs the club itself is like an underground mansion. Multicoloured strobe lights fixed up against the stoney walls, multiple more staircases carved into the sides gliding up into private boothes that onlook the dancefloor.

Konro and Benimaru casually sit at the bar behind the crowd, this kind of event is by no means their type of deal but company six and seven had always been close because of the relationship that Sayuri and Benimaru shared. Konro slaps his palm onto Beni's shoulder. "The more you look for her the longer it'll take for her to get here y'know" he chuckled, winking at waka. Beni scoweled knowing that Konro was bang on the money... as always.
Where is she?

"Kiraaaaaa!" A high pitch squeal erupts from the entrance of the club. Sayuri leaps down the staircase, each heeled foot gracefully dancing off the carpeted steps. Her ebony and ivory locks look softer than ever as they flow effortlessly down her figure.
The pink haired female instantly spins as she hears her friends familiar voice. "Took you long enough!" She grins as she embraces the young captain in her arms. "Happy Birthday!" Mayumi announces as she finally catches up to the two. From behind her back she pulls a neatly bowed box and gestures it to Kira. "We went in on it together, we hope you love it"

"So yeah I've been working on my second gen skill for a while now..." A brunette girl natters on in Beni's ear. He'd lost total interest on what the girl had been saying from the moment she'd paid for his sake but the instant Sayuri arrived, the whole room disappeared in his mind.
His eyes focused intently as he watched the girl he has always been so entranced by. His palms instantly started to moisten, his mouth feeling more parched by the second. He leans to his drink and sips some of the amber liquid to quench his thirst and wet his lips.

Another sudden slap on the back jolts him out of his trance, "Hey! Girls finally here I see". Obi greeted the two and it seemed the rest of his squad had also arrived, which annoyingly included that brat Arthur. Now Beni isn't intimidated by Arthur on the Sayuri front, more purely infuriated by him. He frowns but nods in welcome of them before turning his attention back to drinking... And keeping an eye on his special someone.

"Sayuri, I've been dying for you to meet someone. I think you'll both really hit it off"

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