06: Regret

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You’re not a coward. I know that because you haven’t given up yet. You’re standing here.

What a shitty night.

Sayuri twists a cold piece of toast between her fingers before dipping it into the golden centre of a soft boiled egg. The crusty bread punctures it with ease and the gooey amber liquid overflows from its shell. She enhales the slice with her eyes closed, cheeks puffed as she swallows the mouthful. "My head hurts" she groans whilst squinting her icy blue iris' open. Around the chabudai sits Konro who's fully invested in a local newspaper, the twins sit closely beside him, eagerly stuffing soft pancakes into their mouths.

Opposite them is Mayumi and Obi, she's practically sitting on his lap whilst he feeds her strawberries dipped in yogurt. Sayuri feels queasey at the sight of the public display of affection. "Come on guys! Give me a break, I'm hanging out of my ass here". Sayuri places both of her hands over her eyes to shield her view of the smitten couple. Mayumi finds a half eaten bread roll on her plate and launches it at the dual haired woman. "Shut it, I have no sympathy for you as your headache is totally self inflicted"

Sayuri couldn't argue. No matter how rotton of a hangover she gets the next day, she loves a good time and that often involves copious amounts of liqueur. She idly nibbles on some more toast unable to shake the fact someone is missing. Where is Benimaru?

Who actually cares? She thinks to herself whilst scoffing another chunk of yolk soaked bread. The guy completely took the piss out of me last night. Maybe that's the final straw I need to stop messing about with Beni. I need to find a man and future husband who only has eyes for me.

She begins to daydream about her dream guy. He definitely has to be muscular, that's a must. And tall? Well at least the same height as her. And definitely dark hair. Wait a second, she's literally describing Benimaru. A frown settles on her complexion as she brings both of her hands to her face and aggressively drags them down her cheeks exuding frustration.

"Any eggs still going or did someone annihilate the whole lot" a deep voice exuded. Sayuri swiveled round and shot a glare to where the voice emitted, Benimaru.

He strides past her not even giving her a second thought. Messily brushing the thick raven strands from his eyes he plonked himself down beside Konro and began to dish himself a plate of the now luke warm food. Sayuri ponders for a second, wondering when she'd actually get any acknowledgement from him, her eyes scouring him but also trying not to catch his eye.
"It's rude to stare" he stated flatly, still not removing his pupils from the cold crusty toast that he was now slathering with golden butter.

Is this guy for real? After last night. The cheek. Sayuri thought.

Mayumi shifts her weight uncomfortably, her orbs darting between the large male and her petite young best friend. "So I heard Company 8 want our support in training their new recruits' she blurted out, desperately trying to throw the conversation in a more pleasant direction. Sayuri tore daggers away from Beni and they softened at Yumi.

"Absolutely! I'm stoked to help the team, that Shinra sure has some fire power. I'm eager to see what he's made of" Sayuri beamed, small beads of toasted bread still glued to her chin. She wipes them away with the back of her hand, "That Arthur has got some spunk too.." she started. "And not to mention he's super cute aye Yuri" Mayumi chuckled, throwing a bomb out there to watch Beni silently explode.

His expression remained unchanged but the grip on his cup of juice substantially tightened.
"Right losers, I'm off to get ready for tonight" Sayuri hoists herself off of the wooden floor and everyone starts to stare at her blankly. "Please don't say you forgot that it's Kira's birthday at Kanpai's?" Everyone groans simultaneously. After a night full of drinking, what could be better... Another night full of drinking.

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