Meeting mack

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-3rd pov- Mack walked down the halls rushing to her next class, it always seemed like this blond hair with blue gray eyes was in a hurry. The bell wouldn't ring for the next 10 minutes but she flies down the halls prepared to burst through her teachers doors early for class. She was a smart one. But she loved to play soccer and volleyball. That's why most girls and guys were confused about her. She was nerdy but popular. Most popular people at Norte high were preppy and football players or cheerleaders. But Mack wasn't like that. She was powerful and she couldn't stand cheerleaders and football players who thought the world revolved around them. She hated them. She couldn't exactly say she hated the football team though. There was Luke, her best friend. He had blue eyes and blond hair that was always in a quif. (A/n not Luke Hemmings I swear people.. But I'll be using Luke Hemmings as what he looks like. :3) she's always had a little crush on Luke but she always denied it. Mack was an emo kind of person. Combat boots and plaid shirts with skinny jeans and a beanie was her ideal fashion. Her talents normally consist of sarcasm, eating, math, and athletics of any kind. She's stubborn I'll give you that. If someone leaves without a goodbye, she doesn't except them right back again into her life as if the person never left. She needs reassurance that the person will come back, will say goodbye, and will always love her. So far she's been lucky. She's dated many, but she's broken it off, finding herself comparing them to Luke. When Luke leAves her whole demeanor changes, she becomes gothic almost. She dates more, she doesn't care. People change as the world changes, right?

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