Was i just friend zoned?

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-Luke's pov- "I don't get it mom! She's not even nice anymore! I mean, yes, I'm starting to remember her, but I don't get it! Everything I remember about her, it's all nice, she's the first girl I kissed, the first I've crushed on, the first I've ever loved! And if she acts like this all the time, what is there to love? I just don't get it!" I spilled out. We were currently eating breakfast, I had gotten all my memories back about Mack, but they were all good, all loving. So why does she hate me anyway?

That's the part I don't get.

"Luke carter Forrest!" Mom screamed standing up. Her face was red. My eyes widened in fear and surprise. "You do not, do not, talk about Mack like that! She has a reason to hate you! There is so much to fucking love about that girl that it's indescribable! Excuse my language. But you have no rights to be so shitty about it! One girl, one girl, maybe even 3 others hate you! Her band mates aren't very fond of you because you hurt her! She avoided me for a week after you left! Finally she came over and explained why! I am so disappointed in you!" She was still screaming at me.

"I'm sor-"

"Y'know what?" She mumbled, pushing her chair away from the table and standing up. "I'm done eating. Make sure your packed and all" she left the kitchen, leaving me alone, confused.

I sighed finishing my breakfast. I went upstairs packing the few last minute items before going downstairs and waiting for my ride to come.


"Finally" I muttered as the tour bus we'd be using got here. The only bad thing was that id be sharing it with four girls. The doors of the bus opened, the sound of laughter of girls started filling the air. I picked up my bags and walked into the tour bus. The girls were dancing to their album that hasn't been released yet and mr. Vortex was cooking. "Hey.." I said. Nobody responded. I cleared my throat, the music stopped.

"I'll be in the living room, tell me when we're at the store." Macks voice filled the silent air, followed by footsteps.

"I'll get her." I think kaya, said.

"Good luck." The others mumbled.

-macks pov-

"You need to stop running." Kaya said instantly as she entered the room.

"You don't understand! It's painful to see a guy who doesn't remember you! To me I see a best friend still, but to him I'm just a girl, a stranger!" I whined.

"You think I don't understand? Mack, you know my past! My father is a stupid alcoholic! Every night he'd come home and he would act like I'm not there, or act as if I was some stranger in his home! You think I don't fucking understand?!" Kaya started. "You don't know shit if you think your situation is painful!" She stormed out of the back of the bus.

"Kaya!" I called out starting to follow her. I entered the front of the bus, following Kaya out of the bus. We apparently we already at the store. I stalked into the store finding a cart.

"Hey Mack?" Luke asked. I stiffened.

"What?" I growled.

"The girls paired us up with a list of junk food while they got the other stuff.." He trailed off.

"I'll just have to kill them." I sneered. "Let's get this over with." I pushed the cart into the aisles. "What first?"

"Jolly ranchers."

"Of course. What else is on the list?" I asked smiling, my friends put my favorite candy on the list.

"Milky ways, snickers, and Hershey chocolate.." He paused before continuing. "That's all for the candy, I say we get the candy then we start with the other stuff."

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