Rebel shopping trip

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Macks pov

I sighed, laying back in my little bunk in the tour bus. I stared up at the plastic ceiling, still thinking about the pain I felt when I was friend zoned. Why was I mentally hurting? I don't love him anymore. He left me for three years.

But you do still love him.
And that's what hurts.

I was just glad I could call him my friend. I was over the moon that we didn't hate eachother.

But I just couldn't get over the thought that I was on a tour bus while it was parked out front of our hotel. Everybody else is checked in. Luckily we girl get two rooms to share and Luke gets his own room. I sighed, finally heaving myself up from the lounge, and heading off of the bus and wading my way through the little fans we had.

Our band was probably really bad...

I texted Kaya asking which room we were in, since I already knew I was going to try and survive sharing a room with her.

Hey, not my fault she snores and tries to walk around like a zombie at night.

My phone finally buzzed back with an answer.

Top floor 417. :)

I sighed, typing a thanks, I started off forwards the elevator. Just my luck, it was an elevator full of mirrors. I took in my appearance wondering how the fans noticed me with my smeared make up, my hair up in a lose messy bun, and a grey jumper. I practically shuddered in disgust.

The elevator finally stopped and I quickly found my-and kayas- room. I bursted in, seeing my luggage already in.

"Let's go shopping!! We need our rock/punk look!" Michelle said, popping her head out of another room.

"Yea. I'm thinking of dying my hair, I'm tired of blonde." I agreed, glancing at another mirror. "What's with the fucking thousands of mirrors in this hotel room?" I later add, groaning.

"It's a fancy shmancy hotel! What do you expect! They weren't expecting people to look like the crawled out of a dumpster-no offense Mack!-to stay at this grand hotel." Macy chimed.

"Rude! But fine! I'll change! And try and look decent. But promise me we will stop by the tattoo parlor!" I bargained.

"Ooo! Someone looking to be a rebel?" Michelle teased.

I ignored her comment, slipping on some high waisted jean shorts and a black tank top with too many straps. I sighed, stalking into the bathroom seeing Kaya's makeup bag already in there. I took off my makeup and applied some eyeliner, mascara, a light pink lip gloss, and some blush. I let my hair down, seeing it as actually wavy and pretty for once. My bleach blonde hair was naturally a rats nest most of the time, but today it must be feeling generous.

I let out a grunt of accomplishment, before exiting the bathroom, I saw the girls waiting on me.

"Dude! We apparently got paid already. That was so fucking fast! Maybe management isn't as bad as we've heard!" Michelle yelled.

"How much?" I asked.

"A generous amount of over ten thousand.." Macy trailed off.

"What the fuck. Your joking right?" I gasped, snatching my credit card from the table. "You know what? Don't tell me. Let's go!" I squealed running.

------ (hai, bye)--

We finally arrived to the mall.. (Very creative sentence to start off with, right?)

We stumbled out of the car, and rushed into the mall, all splitting up, wanting to surprise each other. I directly went to Starbucks, getting a tea, and paying the cute cashier.

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