Meet Luke.

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-3rd pov- Luke sat in his room strumming his guitar. He glanced at the clock. 8:00, school started and he was just taking in the room he'd leave behind. Suddenly Mack came to mind. He couldn't bring himself to say goodbye or tell her that he's leaving to persue his dreams. He looked out the window to the house across the street where Mack lived. He sighed thinking of how she'll come over, see my mum, and hear the news of how He left. She'll cry, he'll get a text before He will block her number so He didn't have the pain of not being able to reply. He stopped strumming on his guitar and put it in the guitar case. He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He picked up the guitar case and left his room, turning off the lights and fan before shutting the door. He slid on his grey beanie that Mack got him before going downstairs. He smiled at his mom, sherry, before looking at Simon. "I'm ready" he said nodding. They both got up, Luke said goodbye to his parents and left without looking back.

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