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"Hey Maya." Charlie was more nervous than Maya had ever seen him before. He fidgeted with a loose thread on the sleeve of his jumper.

"You okay Charlie?" Maya's voice was one of concern. The boy took a deep breath, grabbing her by the shoulders and steering her into the window seat.

"Mum had asked me before but I didn't know how to broach the topic, but I want us to be completely honest with each other because I want to develop a relationship with you and make up for the eleven years we missed together." The boy blurted out rapidly. Maya blinked, taking a second for the words to settle into the lining of her brain.

"Your parents want me to visit at Christmas." She nodded.
"How did you- nevermind. And technically, they are OUR parents, I know it's different for you, and if you don't feel comfortable that's okay, I'll try and respect your wishes. Whatever you want." Maya's heart hurt a little bit inside with how hard the boy was trying. He was so desperate to be her twin brother, but trying so hard not to push her. She reminded herself the hat put her in the house of the brave for a reason, and pushed all her fear and uncertainty down. She thought briefly of who she considered her parents, and how hard this must be for them. She had the urge to just fling herself to the floor and have a temper tantrum like a toddler, and scream and sob about how unfair this all was. Bust her parents had raised her better.

"Of course I will, that sounds lovely. What do you- our parents want for Christmas?" She stumbled over the word slightly, a part of her feeling betrayal to the couple who had raised her all these years. Charlie's body completely relaxed, his eyes lit up and he gave her the big grin she was so used to seeing on his face. She  felt even more guilty at this, and hated herself for having second thoughts about getting to know her brother and the rest of their siblings.

"Okay! I'll send them an owl right now. Your favourite colour is still lilac, right?" Maya laughed at the boy's excitement, secretly feeling proud of herself for saying yes. The girl hated being selfish, although that was a trait that would become easily manipulated in her years to come. Plus, getting to know her birth family was something that needed to happen eventually, and she knew the longer she waited, the harder it would be. Charlie flung his arms around her, and she gave a little squeak at the bear hug. Then he sped off at a million miles an hour, and she just slumped to the floor, feeling mentally exhausted.

"Miss Cartwright?" Maya looked up to the concerned expression of Professor MCGonagall. The woman studied her with her decades of experience, then held out a hand to help the girl to her feet. "would you like to join me in my office for a cup of tea? Or perhaps a hot chocolate?" Maya nodded, so glad the woman seemed to sense how desperate she was to talk to someone with a neutral view in all this.

"Have a biscuit, Miss Cartwright. Then tell me what's troubling you." Maya cursed her trembling hand as she scooped a biscuit out the tartan tin. It was shaped like a newt. She bit in, feeling the familiar taste of gingernut explode over her tongue, which took her back to making gingerbread with her mum on days when it was so window outside. She couldn't help herself. She burst into tears, so overwhelmed.

After several tissues, Maya was able to explain to her teacher everything on her mind. McGonagall stayed quiet until the girl had finished, before she responded. "You have every right to feel how you do, Maya." The woman said gently. "And you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable for, for fear of hurting either of your parents. I will be quiet happy to explain that to them myself, should any grumbles arise." The woman became momentarily stern. "And remember, you'll always have a place here at Hogwarts if the winter break gets too much for you."

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