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"Firs' years over 'ere!" Charlie and Maya clutched hands, shivering in the cool evening air. A huge, bearded man was stood at the end of the platform, holding a lantern, calling for the first years. They began pushing their way through the older students. Maya's foot caught on her cloak and she fell, stretching her hands out towards the floor. She gasped as she hit the floor, and a shooting pain shot up her wrist.

"You alrigh'?" The huge man waded over and pulled her to her feet by the back of her robes. Her hands stung, and she clutched her throbbing wrist. "I- I think I've broken my wrist." She stammered. Charlie put his arm around her.

The man looked a bit worried. "Don' worry, Madam Pomfrey 'ill get you all fixed up at the castle. I'm Hagrid, the groundskeeper." Maya nodded, and they began following the man. Charlie kept his hand hovering on the small of her back, and she clutched her wrist in her other hand, blinking back tears.

The first years reached the shore of the black lake, the surface of which seemed almost silver under the moonlight. "Four ter a boat!" Hadgrid called, getting in one to himself. Cole and Charlie lifted up Maya, getting her into a boat. Dani squeezed in with them. Once everyone was in the boats, they began moving across the lake. Maya closed her eyes, resting her head on Charlie's shoulder, shivering.

The trip across the lake felt like hours. They all ducked their head on Hagrid's queue, passing under a shelf of rock. "Woah." Dani said, as Hogwarts appeared in front of them. It was beautiful and majestic, sat upon a mound of rock. The lights in the windows made it look like it was growing. They docked at the edge of the lake, and the other three helped Maya off the boat. Dani looked at the girl, worried.

"She doesn't look well, guys." Maya's head was spinning. She took a step and stumbled, and Charlie and Cole grabbed her, supporting her body weight. They began the walk up to the castle.

Everything else felt like a blur. She could hear voices talking, but coulding comprehend what they were saying. A tall witch came in at one point, talked to them, then left. "Maya, are you olay?" Cole whispered in her ear as the tall witch came back and they began walking into the great hall.

She took a deep breath, feeling weak and faint. They made their way up to the staff table, in front of a small stool with a raggedy hat on it. The hall fell silent, and the hat opened up at the corner into a mouth and began singing.

Though I may not be pretty,
You will have to wear me,
Let me take a look,
See where you belong.
Will it be Gryffindor,
The brave,
The intelligent,
The patient,
Or Slytherin,
The ambitious.
So do you have ambition,
Or chivalry?
Let me take a peek,
Inside your head I see,
But I'll bet my brim that
You can't find,
A cleverer hat than me.
So take a seat,
Don't be shy,
For I'm the Hogwarts sorting hat,
I know where you belong.

The hat finished to applause. As if on cue, Maya keeled over and collapsed. "Maya!" Charlie yelled, attempting to catch her. There was a sea of noise, and a blur of colour. Maya could hear numerous voices calling out to her as everything faded to black.

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