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It was a week into Hope's second year when the Chamber of Secrets fiasco had begun.

Only this time, Hope never had detention.

She was at the feast, and was walking with Tom and their friends when they noticed the writing on the wall and Ron and Hermione were right beside Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris.

"Enemies of the Heir, beware?" Draco read aloud, keeping the mudblood part to himself since Hope's birth mother was muggleborn.

Of course, Hope understood now, that mudblood was originally intended for muggleborn wizards and witches that kept changing their world to fit theirs better, so Hope wouldn't have been offended if Draco said it.

He was just trying to be safe and considerate at the same time.

Out of the corner of her eye, Hope could see Percy lowering Collin Creevey's camera and had to hide her laugh the best she could.

A little part of her missed the energetic Gryffindor and she cried when he was killed in the battle of Hogwarts in her past life.

Just then Filch rounded the corner and Hope almost, almost, felt bad for the young Weasley and Granger.

"What's the commotion? What's going on?" He asked gruffly and paused when he saw his beloved cat.

"You. You murdered my cat! I'll kill ya!" Filch yelled and lunged for Ron's throat, but was stopped by Dumblewhore.

"Argus!" Dumbledore paused, internally gleeful, before speaking again.

"Everyone will proceed to their dormitories. Everyone except you four." He said looking at Hope, Tom, Ron, and Hermione.

"I understand why Weasley and Granger need to stay back, but why do me and Thomas?" Hope said acting confused.

She knew exactly what Dumblesnore wanted and she wasn't having it.

"Were you not at the crime scene?" Albus asked, silently daring the girl to object.

"No, we weren't. We were coming back from dinner just like everyone else. So if you'll excuse us, my soulmate and I will be heading to our common room." Hope said coldly and grabbed Tom's hand before stalking off to the dungeons.

"I love when you talk back him." Tom said once they were out of hearing range.

Hope gave him a cheeky smile and a wink before arriving at the Slytherin common room entrance and told the portrait password.

"What'd the old goat want?" Blaise asked when Hope and Tom sat down on their thrones.

"Tried to place Hope and I at the scene with Weasley and Granger. Hope told him off." Tom replied as Hope took out a book on different advanced healing charms and how they work.

"That's our queen!" Blaise yelled only to be hit upside the head by Daphne and Pansy.


The next morning, Hope took her daily morning shower and dressed in this:

After she was dressed, Hope put on her school robe to cover the outfit and brushed her hair and teeth before grabbing her bag and wand and went to the common room

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

After she was dressed, Hope put on her school robe to cover the outfit and brushed her hair and teeth before grabbing her bag and wand and went to the common room.

Once Tom and their court came downstairs, they left for breakfast.

"The Weasley twins keep staring." Draco whispered as they ate breakfast.

Hope looked up and indeed the two Devil twins were staring, like they wanted to talk.

Hope nodded to the doors and they nodded in understanding.

"Let's see what they want then." Hope said and stood up. Tom did as well, refusing to leave her side, just in case, and together they walked out of the Great Hall with Fred and George not far behind.

"What can we do for you, Gred and Feorge?" Hope asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"We want to join your side. Permanently."

"Our souls now belong to you." The twins replied.

Hope was silent for a moment before her grin widened.

She really did miss the twin pranksters that she had always considered brothers.

"Even though I hate your younger brother and sister?" Hope had to be sure.

"Even then."

"They're not the same little brother and sister we used to know." Fred and George replied instantly.

"Alright then. Welcome to the dark side where you're accepted as family. We have chocolate for all newcomers." Hope said causing Tom to roll his eyes good naturedly.

And that my dear readers is how Hope got Fred and George back for good.

A/N: I know it's short, but it's more of a filler chapter than anything! Hope you like the new chapter! Vote and/or comment if you do! Love you guys 💞💞💞

Back To The Past   A Tom Riddle Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن