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Summer before Year Three*

A week after being home from Hogwarts for the summer, the Potter-Black-Mcgonagall-Lupin family, along with Tom of course, packed their bags for a month in the castle of Camelot.

When Hope had finished packing her bags, she decided to spend some bonding time with Dennis and help pack his bags as well.

"So how are you liking our crazy family?" Hope asked as she helped by folding Dennis's clothes.

"I love it! I'm very glad you or Collin didn't forget about me like our old dad said." Dennis replied and Hope looked at the younger boy sadly.

"Neither me, Collin, or any of our family could ever forget about you, Dennis. You, Collin, Fred, and George are as much my family as Mum, Dad, Papa, Uncle Sev, Uncle Lucy, Aunt Cissy, and Aunt Val are. Never forget that." Hope said as she looked at her newest baby brother.

Dennis smiled a bright smile in gratitude.

"And you, Fred, and George are my siblings as much as Collin is." Dennis replied and

Hope smiled before ruffling the boy's already messy hair before finishing helping him pack.

(Time skip to being in Camelot cause I'm lazy)

"Hope Lily Potter-Black-Mcgonagall-Lupin!
Collin Remus Potter-Black-Mcgonagall-Lupin! Fix my skin and hair back this instant!" Draco Malfoy yelled later that day as Hope and Collin ran towards the living room of Camelot Castle as if their life depended on it, laughing like evil mad men.

Which their life kind of did depend on running.

Draco then entered the living room right after Hope and Collin hid behind Sirius, skin scaly and blue and his hair the brightest pink and yellow. "Where are your two little demons I call cousins and siblings?!" Draco yelled.

Sirius then burst into laughter.

"Stop laughing, Uncle Sirius! It's not funny!" Draco snapped, making Sirius laugh harder as Remus and Minerva entered the living room with Narcissa and Lucius.

"What is going- oh my Merlin!" Narcissa started to say but then saw her son.

"What happened to you?" Lucius asked, bewildered.

"Hope and Collin is what happened! Please fix me." Draco yelled.

Sirius had stopped laughing only to look back at Collin and Hope with a wink before laughing again.

Remus shook his head in exasperation at his boyfriend before fixing Draco back to normal.

"Thanks, Uncle Remus. Hope! Collin! Quit hiding and face me, you little demons!" Draco yelled as he stalked away and into the hallway.

"You can come out now." Minerva said dryly when she heard Hope snicker and Collin shush his sister.

A minute later and Hope's reddish brown hair poked around Sirius, looking as if she was caught stealing cookies while Collin strutted forward, looking every bit of James Potter and Sirius Black.

"Hi, Mum! Nice day today, isn't it?" Hope asked innocently.

"Hello, Mum. You look beautiful on this fine morning." Collin added with a wink and cheeky smile.

Minerva then began wondering if she made a mistake in adopting the exact replicas of the Marauders, before deciding.


She definitely did not regret it.

"Not wasting any time on pranks?" Minerva asked instead of scolding the two.

Back To The Past   A Tom Riddle FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin