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One day, as Hope was taking a walk by herself, she heard small sniffles coming from a corner in the corridor she was in.

Being the nice girl she is, Hope went to see what was wrong only to discover Collin Creevey was sitting with his head in his knees, crying.

"Collin? What's wrong?" Hope asked softly as she knelt down beside him.

"My Dad. He wrote and said he doesn't want me anymore. That I'm just a freak." Collin replied between sniffles and

Hope could feel her heart breaking. This was feeling really close to home.

Hope knew that if she didn't do something, Collin would end up in an orphanage and be possibly mistreated.

"I know something that can help. Follow me." Was all she said and made the boy follow her to an empty classroom where she locked the door before summoning an old book she found in her dad, James', possession.

Opening it, she quickly found the page she was looking for and began to explain to Collin.

"This is a blood sibling adoption ritual that will make you my brother in blood and magic. My parents, all five, will also become yours as well. That is if you want." Hope explained slowly, to make sure Collin would understand.

"You'd do this for me?" Collin asked, not believing someone would do something as kind as this.

Not for him at least.

"Of course! Before I found my new parents, my muggle aunt and uncle were very cruel to me. I used to think my name was freak for a long time. But I have my new Mum and my dads now. I'm just missing my little brother. I'm hoping that can be you." Hope replied with a small smile.

"If you're sure. I'd love to be your brother." Collin replied and with that, Hope cut her and Collin's palms and mixed their blood together as she spoke the ritual incantation.

A small fiery pain here and a headache there, the ritual was completed.

Hope looked the same, but Collin was a whole different story.

This is what he looks like now:

He had Sirius' grey eyes, Remus' floppy brown hair, and Minerva's cheekbones and nose shape.

He could pass as Hope's twin brother.

"Look in the mirror." Hope said as she got over the shock.

"We look just alike!" Collin gasped.

"That's part of the ritual. You've literally become my brother in blood and magic, so it makes sense we look alike." Hope said before getting excited.

"Let's show Mum!" She squealed and grabbed Collin's hand before running to the Transfiguration classroom.

"Mum!" Hope yelled as she burst in the door with Collin.

"Hope! What's going on?" Minerva asked standing up immediately.

"I got a brother!" Was all she could say as she bounced up and down in excitement.

Minerva was quiet for a minute until she realized what Hope did.

"Hope. What did you do?" Minerva asked sternly.

Hope smiled sheepishly.

"I blood adopted Collin Creevey as my little brother." She replied with a nervous laugh.

"Do you realize how dangerous that was? What if you messed up the ritual?!" Minerva scolded, but sighed.

Hope was just like James and Sirius.

They did this same ritual when they went to school.

"But I didn't. And it worked." Hope said with a proud smirk.

"Next time you decide something like this, have myself, your fathers, or Uncle Sev present. Now I'll be writing to your fathers to inform them we have another child and how it happened. Collin, welcome to the family."

Hope paled a little at the mention of her fathers knowing what she did, but shrugged it off.

"Let's introduce you to my friends and my soulmate." Hope said and dragged Collin to the Slytherin common room.

"Merlin, let's hope he doesn't become a troublemaker as well." Minerva muttered as she wrote a letter to Sirius and Remus.


Tom's reaction to what Hope did was much like Minerva's, except he wouldn't budge until Hope promised not to do it again.

She did.

After saying she was going to adopt Fred and George.

Severus was the one to help with this ritual.

Fred and George looked the same except they had a mixture of Lily and Remus' eye color instead of brown eyes and looked like Hope's older brothers.

Their facial features resembled Sirius and James as well, but not a whole lot.

So now Hope had three brothers.

Collin Potter-Black-Lupin-McGonagall.

Fred Potter-Black-Lupin-McGonagall.

And George Potter-Black-Lupin-McGonagall.

As for Collin's personality, it was almost the same, but he gained Hope's level of mischievousness.

They were like the Marauders, but a much bigger group.


Hope had gotten a Howler that next morning though.

She lost count at how many it was now.

"Hope Potter-Black-Mcgonagall, how dare you do something as dangerous as a sibling adoption ritual without adult supervision! I'm very disappointed you didn't think to have Severus or your mother with you! As punishment, I'm taking away your pranking supplies at home! For a week!" Remus voice rang out before Sirius cut him off.

"Ignore your Papa! If he does take your supplies away, I'll sneak them back to your room when he's not looking! I'm proud, Pup! And welcome to the family Collin, Fred, and George! We love you three!

The three Potter-Black-Lupin-Mcgonagall children had wide, mischievous smiles that scared the students and staff.

Hope knew for a fact that Remus wouldn't dare take her pranking supplies away.

Not if he didn't want pink hair.

And she'd do it muggle style.

A/N: I didn't want to change Fred and George too much since I love James and Oliver Phelps, so they'll have Lily's red hair, green eyes mixed with honey brown, and share a few facial features of Sirius and James. Their personalities will also stay the same as they were. Hope you like the extra chapter! Vote and/or comment if you do! Love you guys 💞💞💞

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