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your name pov

I stood up, getting dizzy from adrenaline and fear. I looked back at Gregory, who seemed to be just as scared as I. I went over to the door, hiding the knife in my back pocket. As I was at the door, I opened it slowly, listening to the loud creak, looking down. I was ignoring whoever was in front of me. As I looked up, it was Mr. Afton. He was obviously quite upset, but not at me or Gregory. "Sit down, kiddo. I'm not here to hurt you." I began to relax, and back away. However as he walked inside, he had Evan behind him. He was being tightly held by the arm, but he could easily fight back. I started to pull the knife, but Mr. Afton lifted his hand and I rested my arm, knife still firmly in my hand. I backed away, and eventually reached the couch. I sat down impatiently with Gregory. Mr. Afton and Evan stood and refused to take a seat. Mr. Afton seemed just as upset as me. "Your name, go sit outside." Mr. Afton said, motioning towards the door. "Why should I? I won't either way." I said, I was growing impatient. He sighed, and ignored me. "Evan, go ahead and speak." Mr. Afton said, his voice grim. " Gregory, I'm not sorry for what I did-" Evan said, but was cut off by me yelling. He must've been insane to think he could do that. I got held down gently by Gregory, who had stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist. I relaxed, and sat back down. Evan got angry, and walked out. Mr. Afton began to talk for him. "He loves you, your name. Now, what really happened here, since he refuses to tell me. " Mr. Afton said, his voice as smooth as butter and soft as silk. I explained, all while holding onto Gregory's arm. I didn't want to let go of him, or let him get hurt worse. As I finished talking, Mr. Afton  looked at Gregory with sorrow and guilt. "I am so sorry Gregory, he's just.. lonely." Mr. Afton said. Evan scoffed, his head down. I was quite upset, I kept my anger down however, and smiled. Gregory took it, and shook his hand. Evan walked in to them shaking hands, and tried to hit Gregory. Mr. Afton stood up in front of me and Gregory and pushed Evan out of the house. They were yelling at each other, and it made me upset. I don't mind loud sounds, but random yells make me scared. I leaned into Gregory, who held me gently. I just sat there, waiting for one of them to walk back in. Eventually they both walked in. Later on in the day I was informed that Evan was still staying with us, but nobody should speak to him for a while.

one week later,gregory pov

I was in the work shop with Mr. Afton, working on my project. He was determined it would work out, and if it did our work would be a wonderful cause to society. He was rambling about the fight I had gotten in with Evan, he had been occasionally apologizing about it since it happened. It didn't bother me, it wasn't Mr. Aftons fault. I looked at him, his face was always a little uneasy around me. Like it was full of secrets, full of nightmares. I never dared to ask what's wrong with him, of course nobody had. But today, I had. I asked him the question nobody would. " Sir, why don't you ever tell anyone your story in the nightmare? I mean, looks to me like you have to know about everyone else's experience, so why not yours? " I said, but imminently regretted my words. He looked at me, with the most unforgiving eyes I had ever seen, and he spoke in the lowest tone ever heard. " Ask me that again and I will have your head by dawn. Do you understand me? " I was filled with confusion and terror. Why did it upset him so badly? What had I done to enrage him, he had just been apologizing to me. I brushed it off, nodded, and kept working. His mood automatically became normal, and we began talking about the project once more.

That was when I realized, something was off.

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