Chapter - 27

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Manan's room

Nandini and Manik were sitting on the bed with the support of headrest....

Mukti and Alia also sat with them on the bed....

Cabir - Navya, Ambar -Sanjana were sitting on the couch.

Dhruv and Abhi were settled on the bean bags....

All sat in silence till Cabir spoke....

Cab : Guys its getting tough....we thought to get our revenge from them but see.... Here they are hurting us....

Abhi : Yes....That day they scared Anu and now they had tried to harm Nandini God's grace nothing happened to her but till when....

Amb : Hmm.... He is right Manik I think we need to preponed our plans....

Manik looked at him silently then turning he saw Nandini's face....

Seeing the wound on her forehead he decided what he should do....

Looking at everyone he said...

Man : We will execute it day after tomorrow....

Dhr : Hmm.... But how can we do it in such a small span of time.... We might not get the people to work....

Man : Don't worry Dhruv... Nothing is impossible for me..... We need to execute it soon.... I can't let them hurt Nandini or any other member of my family anymore.... They can stoop to any level for getting what they want..... And Mrs. Malhotra what can I say about her, you all know how she is.... Who didn't even thought once before killing her father in law for the properties and money what will she do to us..... Obviously I'll be there for everyone and we all will be there for each other but till when.... There isn't any end in this revenge.....

Alia : Yes bhai is correct.... Whenever we will hurt them they will also do something to hurt us....

Mu : Of course we will punish them but what damage they had done can't be repaired na....

Aman : And Anyways we have got our rights We need only one thing....

Nan : And that is to get our revenge for Daadu 's  death.....

Man : Which will be so hard for them to bear and they won't be able to do something to save them.....

Cab : Not in this lifetime atleast......

All laughed...

Nan : Shhh... Guys Anu is sleeping don't laugh loudly....

Listening this all turned their faces to Anu who was sleeping peacefully beside khushi....

All smiled....

Man : So.... Ambar , Aman , Abhi,  you three will do the living room arrangements.....Me, and Dhruv will see the outside work..... Sanjana , Navya you  both will manage the Malhotras and won't let them enter the living room at any cost .... And Alia and Mukti you both have the most important and difficult work to do .....

All were confused listening his last statement....

Alia : What Bhai?

Man : You both have to take care of Nandini ..... Since I'll not be with her everytime tomorrow.... So you both have to see if she is taking proper rest and will not step out of the room and neither from the bed.....

Nan : ( whinning)  Mani this is not fair....

All laughed at her condition as she can't stay at one place for a long time and neither she can deny her Mani....

Listening the loud voice Anu 's sleep broke.... Sitting up rubbing her eyes cutely she asked....

Anu : Why everyone  is making noise....

Taking her in her lap Alia said....

Alia : Arey Our princess got up....

Anu : Yesh mumma...

Looking at everyone she smiled and her eyes stopped at Nandini and she frowned....

Going towards her she said....

Anu : How did you got hurt Mami?

Taking her in her arms Nandini said...

Nan : nothing baby its just a small scratch....

Anu : ohhhh.... ( tracing her small fingers on her wound she said) Is it paining mami....

Nan : Just a little bit....

Getting an idea Anu 's eyes twinkled and she kissed her wound....

Anu : Now....

All smiled seeing her innocence...

Nan : Wow..... Our Anu have magic in her kisses guys.... The pain got vanished....

Anu : Really...

Nandini nodded and Anu giggled....

Later the room was filled with Anu 's  cute giggles and everyone 's hearty laugh....

You Are My Peace ( Manan ff)   [COMPLETED✔️✔️]Where stories live. Discover now