Chapter 3 - Incoming Call

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Sapnap was woken up from his slumber from  the notification.

[Squad Meet-Up: 1 month reminder]
[Set for May 23rd]

He blushes and rolls over, thoughts full of George and Dream.


He's been stressed out and on edge lately; debating whether or not to tell his parents that he's pansexual.

He's known since he was a little kid, just never knew the right word for it. He had accepted himself, with the help of George no less, but isn't quite sure of what his parents would say. He even stayed awake all night the last couple of days, but not on purpose, he was just stressed. But as soon as he actually fell asleep, of course he was woken up.

So when he'd gotten that notification he realized that it would be great to get out of the house for a little while.

Deep in his thoughts, what pulls him out is a ding from his phone

[Message from Gogy Wogy <3]

He smirks as he clicks on the notification to open his messages with  George.

-Gogy Wogy <3-
do u still wanna go and do the meetup thingy?

It only takes seconds for Sapnap to text back.

I was just gonna ask you about that

do u wanna call so we can plan it?
can b later btw

Yea, I can call later
I just woke up from the reminder

ok :)
goodnight cowboy

Bye gogyyyy

With the knowledge that George also wanted to see Dream, he didn't have a hard time falling asleep back for the night.


Once Sapnap woke up, he remembered that he is supposed to call George soon. He looks at his phone and realized it was dead, he forgot to plug it in last night after texting George.

He sighs as he plugs it in and promptly walks down the hall to his kitchen.

His apartment isn't tiny, but it is definitely small compared to other apartments; tiny kitchen, tiny living room, one bathroom, one bedroom. 

Its not spacious by any but it's all he can afford as a college drop-out. He was going to college for a computer science degree before deciding that that didn't feel right for him. 

Now he works at a 7-11 just down the street from his apartment. He needed to get out of his parents' house because he couldn't bear it anymore, he always had to be extra careful not to slip up and out himself around his parents. 

He's pretty proud of his apartment, for working an under-paid minimum wage job.

He walks over to his cupboard and sees a box of cinnamon toast crunch; his favorite cereal. He grabs it out and sets it on his counter before grabbing a bowl, spoon, and milk.

Pouring the cereal into the bowl he thinks back to George. George would always pour his milk before pouring cereal, and Sapnap always thought it was gross because the cereal would just sit on top of the milk.

As he began to pour his milk on top, he smiles to himself. He was going to be speaking to George over the phone for the first time in weeks.

Although they had grown a lot closer, they still had lives to attend; work, cleaning, and sleeping would always get in the way before they could talk.

Sapnap sits at his table as he looks out his window.  He lives in the city, all he sees are buildings, buildings, and even more buildings, but he misses when he was a kid, and all he saw was houses, grass, and flowers.

Sapnap loved flowers, and his love only grew for flowers as Dream, George, and him had a special place in the field he lived next to.

He'll always cherish the memories George, Dream and himself made there.  He always loved them, but he didn't realized that it wasn't what friends were supposed to feel.

The need to be around them 24/7, butterflies in your stomach, blushing when they look at you a certain way or tell you something. Longing for them to be near you, wanting to cuddle a lot.

Almost every weekend when they were kids they would all go to the field for a while, then have movie night and sleepovers with each other. They would usually fall asleep huddled on the couch cuddling each other, thats just what best friends do.

Sometimes they would go to Dream's house, sometimes Sapnap's, but George's was far away.

Dream was his neighbor, just on the other side of the field, but George lived 20 minutes away when walking, back then they'd always wished George lived next to Sap and Dream. 

Sapnap had thought that 20 minutes was hard, imagine what he thought when he wasn't only being moved from Florida to Texas, but George was also moving away. All the way to England.

Oh god, when him and George had to move, Dream had a breakdown.  Sapnap thought it was stupid at the time but he got it now. Dreams only friends were gonna leave him and he'd be all alone.

Sapnap remembers it quite well; the day before George had to fly to England, and Dream couldn't cope.

The last thing Dream had said to George and Sapnap wasn't in person.

He frowns slightly when he opened their old group chat. The message still hurt, even after 10 years, but he'd already forgiven dream.

-Gogy Wogy <3, Pissbaby, and you-
I hope i never see either of you again

Maybe he didn't mean it but it still stung. Sapnap and George were distraught, and when George had to leave, Dream didn't even say goodbye.

It's funny, Sapnap remembers why they'd named Dream that.


George, Dream, and him had had many sleepovers when they were younger, and Dream would sometimes have nightmares and piss the bed, gaining himself the incredible nickname Pissbaby.

[New message from: Gogy Wogy <3]

Sapnap looks at his clock and sees that it's now 3 pm.  He should probably talk to George soon since it'd be around 9 where he is.

He clicks on the notification, bringing him to their messages.

-Gogy Wogy <3-
r we gonna call soon?!

whats taking you so long

u know what, whatever

[Incoming call from: Gogy Wogy <3]
[answer]     [decline]

Sapnap smiles as he clicks answer.


WC:  1070
Published:  March 5th, 22

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