Chapter 12 - Baggage

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Dream only realizes he's crying once he opens his eyes. His vision being blurred by the tears pooling in his eyes, one by one dropping from his cheeks onto Sapnaps lap below him.

Dreams head is still resting on his lap, George still draped across his body just like last night. Dreams fingers are still tangled with Sapnaps on his chest, however the hand that had been running through his hair had fallen. This wasn't surprising though, it'd been almost 6 hours since they'd all fallen asleep, the sky is still dark but now has a sliver of light along the horizon.

From where Dream is laying, he can just barely see out a window, but he can see their beautiful field just outside, the fireflies just barely able to be seen from where he lies.

But seeing is hard when there are tears in Dreams way, but he lets them stay or fall however they want. He knows that he's crying over something stupid, Sap and George had just comforted him about it yesterday.

But he can't help to feel hurt, betrayed even, that they'd kept in touch and left Dream on the outside. He's crying and hurt that they hadn't even tried to contact him; they even knew he streamed, so the least they could've done was sent something to him.

But they'd waited. Dream absolutely loves that they're back now, but he's mad that it could've been sooner. He somewhat blames himself for basically tossing them away, but they could've tried texting.

"Dream? Why're you up? What's wrong?"

He's startled by the sudden noise, but after a second he registers that Sapnap has whispered.

"Was just thinking," Dream grumbles.

"About what?"

"Why did you guys just," he starts. Dream wants to think through his words carefully before speaking. "Why did neither of you ever try to reach out."

"I, Dream we were scared. We were scared that you still hated us or that you'd forgotten about us," replies Sapnap as Dreams eyes flood with more tears, "And we wanted to, and I'm so sorry we didn't."

He feels his hand squeezed by Sapnaps, and his tears are being wiped away with Sapnaps other hand.

"You could've though," Dream whispers, "You could've tried. Theres my PO box, you could've texted me, or even just searched for me on instagram or something."

"I know Dream. I'm so fucking sorry, theres no excuse"

As Dream hears those words fall from Sapnaps mouth, he hears the raven haired boys breathing start to shake. Even through the dark of an early morning and the tears pooling in his eyes, when Dream looks up at Sapnaps face he can still see that tears are starting to fall.

Dream feels his chest hurt, he wants to get up to hold him tight and tell him its all okay now, but thats not easy with a George laying on you.

So instead he squeezes Sapnaps hand closer and brings it to his lips. "Its all okay now Sap, I promise. I love you, I really do, both of you," Dream whispers, hoping Sapnap can hear just how genuine he is. How much he wishes that Sapnap can stop being sorry. How much he truly love them.

"I love you too Dream, more than you know."

"'More than you know'"

Dream feels his chest swell with warmth, the idea that Sapnap could possibly love love him just from Saps tone lingers.

Dream smiles and lets his eyes fall closed before he whispers, "I love you too."


Dream only remembers closing his eyes before they suddenly shoot open. The room is much brighter now and his vision isn't blurred be tears.

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