An unexpected encounter

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Humming softly to himself, Eren walked home from his part time job as a waiter in a small café in his hometown. He smiled brightly as he stared up at the setting sun, taking a moment to admire it's beauty. He sighed in awe as he continued to walk, looking down and trying not to step on any cracks; just like a kid would. Despite the childish game, Eren was no kid. He was eighteen years old and had recently left home after his father decided that it was time to retire. His mother had died when Eren was only a young child, without the photos of her in the family home, he probably would have forgotten what she looked like.

The brunette boy continued to hum contently as he watched the orange sun slowly moving down the sky to set. "So beautiful..." He said to himself as his jade green eyes focused on the sun and not the cracks in the pavement, nor where he was walking.

He collided with a short, raven haired male who grunted as their shoulders bumped together hard. "Tch, watch it, kid." He snapped gruffly as Eren squeaked in surprise and instantly started to apologise. "I-I'm so sorry, sir...! I wasn't focusing on where I was going, it's my fault...!" He exclaimed quickly, damn... For someone so short, this guy sure was terrifying.
He had piercing grey eyes which were narrowed as he glared at Eren, his thin eyebrows furrowed. "Damn right it was your fault." He muttered under his breath, his voice low and dead sexy... Eren couldn't help but find the man strangely attractive, despite the dark scowl. "I'm sorry... Um, sir?" Eren pouted a little, tilting his head in curiosity, what was the man's name? "Levi, just call me Levi." The man, who was apparently called Levi, snapped. "Being called sir makes me feel old." He grumbled, causing Eren to chuckle. "Well, you sure don't look old, Levi...~!" He stated, smiling brightly at the ravenette. "Hm..." Levi grunted in response, raising a brow slightly, his expression softening. "And who are you?" He asked in that deep, smokey voice... "Me? Oh! I'm Eren...~!" Eren introduced himself eagerly, extending a hand to shake Levi's. The ravenette stared at his hand for a moment before nodding and agreeing to shake it briefly. "Eren..." He tested saying the boy's name, liking the way it rolled off his tongue. "So, Eren, where are you heading?" Levi asked as he pressed his back up against the brick wall of a block of apartments, staring up at Eren with his dark hues. "Oh, I was just going home." Eren responded softly, offering a smile towards the other man in hopes that he would return it, Levi probably had a really hot smile... "Home, huh? Fancy going to dinner with me instead?" Levi asked, causing the brunette's eyes to widen in shock. Probably the sexiest man alive just asked Eren to go to dinner with him, hell yeah he fancied that! Going to dinner with Levi would be way better than eating a takeaway and jerking off to some lame porno all evening. The teen nodded quickly before realising that he probably seemed to eager. "Uh, sure, I guess. That sounds alright." Eren said cooly, despite the fact that he felt as if his entire body was bursting into flames due to his excitement. The ravenette nodded, his gaze focussing on Eren's tanned neck, it was perfect... So smooth and clear... He had to bite his lip to stop himself from licking it hungrily. He cleared his throat before nodding. "Great, shall I meet you here at seven?" Seven, that gave Eren an hour to shower and get himself looking nice for Levi. "Seven sounds awesome, I'll see you then!" Eren grinned brightly and then started to sprint home, waving in Levi's direction as he did so.

Watching the brunette leave, Levi couldn't help but smirk slightly, finally allowing his tongue to brush over his lips; licking the small amount of blood that had formed there from where he had bitten it. His eyes flashed red for a moment and he chuckled huskily. "Dinner shall be awesome indeed, Eren...~" He muttered to himself, stuffing his hands into his pockets before turning to walk in the opposite direction towards his own home.

Levi walked slowly, completely blending it with society. Like many others in the area, Levi was a ghoul. It was easy to mistake him for a normal human being, he looked exactly like anyone else waking down the street. However, he was very different.

Living as a ghoul wasn't as easy as most humans imagined it to be; it wasn't all about killing people for food. In order to survive, a ghoul had to keep themself healthy by feeding off of the flesh and blood of a human whilst hiding from the ghoul inspectors that worked in each town, killing any ghoul instantly without a seconds hesitation. Levi honestly thought that the entire thing was pretty unfair; ghouls had no choice but to feast on humans, their bodies were unable to digest human food properly and the only other thing that could satisfy their hunger is coffee and even that couldn't keep a ghoul healthy for long.

The raven haired male walked home and then glanced up at the clock ticking quietly on the wall, he had forty five minutes to get ready. He let out a soft sigh as he slipped off his black jacket and grey undershirt, starting to boil the kettle to make himself a cup of coffee for after he showered; after all, he wouldn't be getting a meal at the restaurant later. He stripped himself completely and then stepped into the shower, sighing in relief as the warm water started to trickle down his pale body, soothing his aching muscles and relaxing him considerably. He smiled contently for a moment before his stomach began growling loudly and his eyes flashed crimson once again, this time Levi allowed them to stay their true colour, washing himself thoroughly as his stomach continued to gurgle and groan.

As soon as Eren got home, he threw his dirty clothes into the wash and got into the shower. He washed himself all over before getting out to dry off, spraying a small amount of aftershave onto himself just for Levi. He smiled to himself as he suddenly thought about the man, his heart starting to thump much faster than usual. "Hmm...~" He became lost in a daydream for a moment before returning to his senses and rushing off to get himself changed. The brunette pulled on a pair of smart, black trousers, a burgundy button up shirt and a cute little black bow tie. He sighed as he then attacked his hair with a comb and several different gel products, finally getting it styled decently. It looked messy but in a good way, a very good way. Eren was actually pretty impressed with how good he looked considering how long he'd had to get ready.

Levi had soon finished his shower and was sipping a hot cup of coffee as he pondered over what to wear to dinner. He set his cup aside and then picked out a plain grey button up shirt, his white cravat and black trousers. He got himself dressed and then finished his cup on coffee, checking the clock again; ten minutes until he was supposed to meet Eren. He dumped his empty cup in the sink and then walked towards the door, leaving to return to the spot where he and Eren had met.

By the time Levi arrived, Eren had chewed his nails until they were almost completely gone. He'd only been waiting for five minutes but had grown increasingly nervous to the point where his legs began trembling and he had to sit down on a bench to prevent himself from falling. He stood as soon as he saw Levi and he smiled softly, his cheeks flushing pink at the sight of the ravenette. "Hey..." He said bashfully, incredibly surprised when Levi brought him close and kissed him on both cheeks. "U-Uh..." Eren went bright red and looked away. "T-Thanks, Levi..." He mumbled. The shorter male simply smirked at the sight of the flustered teen. "Cute..." He muttered before gripping the brunette's hand. "Let's get going before the restaurant gets too busy." He said, leading Eren off down the street.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter~. Comments, votes and reads are greatly appreciated.

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