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Levi kept himself hidden in the forest for the next few days, Mike bringing him the food he needed to survive. He sat high up in a tall tree, staring out at the city that he called home. He sighed heavily and then glanced down to see Mike guarding the bottom of the tree. "When all of this is over, I think I'm gonna propose to him." Levi said as crossed his arms over his chest.

Mike grunted in disapproval. "After all this trouble? Is it really worth it?" He questioned. "Why not just take off into the woods and disappear from here?" He asked.

Levi furrowed his brows and he looked up, avoiding Mike's icy glare. "I already told you, I love the damn kid." He muttered. "I'm not just gonna run and leave him here alone. He needs me and I need him."

The ash blonde haired make sighed heavily. "Whatever..." He turned and started walking, his boots crunching on the layer of snow that had started to fall.

Levi stared at the snow as it fell, huffing and starting to climb down the tree. He wanted to see Eren again, he didn't care about the risk, he needed to know that the boy was okay.

He flung the bag that Mike had left for him over his shoulder before he started to walk, flakes of snow landing in his hair.

Meanwhile, back at Eren's home, the brunette had let his father in to investigate, he knew that Levi would be far away by now and that his father would have no way of finding him. He sat in silence in the living room as Grisha walked around the house, slowly and carefully checking everything for evidence that Levi was a ghoul.

The older male frowned as he picked up a framed photo of Levi and Eren. "He killed your mother yet you still want to protect him?" Grisha muttered.

Eren looked at the floor, tears flooding his vision. "I love him, dad..."

Grisha scoffed as he looked at his son. "A monster like that? He doesn't love you back." He spat. "If he loved you, he would've left you alone." He said firmly. Eren's brows furrowed and he got up. "He does love me! I don't want him to leave me alone!" He cried out loudly.

Grisha scowled darkly as he stated at his son. "I've heard enough, I'm going to find that monster and I'm going to kill him!" He said firmly.


Sorry for not updating in ages ;-; Recently I've had no motivation to write but loads of you want me to finish this fanfiction so I'll get to work on it! ♡ Thanks for reading guys~

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