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So much for avoiding him, Callum thought pensively. He could just hear Charlotte cackling about it once she caught wind of this. But aside from the initial shock of hearing Logan agree to be in the same cramped metal box as him, Callum's thoughts were on the message he saw on the team leader's phone. Of course, he hadn't intended on reading the messages when he picked it up, but one message stuck out to him.

You can't ignore your boyfriend forever.

Your boyfriend.


Logan had a boyfriend.

This was something that hadn't crossed his mind when Charlotte had given her whole speech about Logan and Callum's inability to refrain from being interested in someone. A boyfriend? Sure it fell into the category that Logan possibly was already taken by someone else, but Callum hadn't expected a boyfriend.

But now, this complicated things for Callum—or was this a better alternative? Callum wasn't sure anymore. On the one hand, it meant a bigger reason to avoid Logan; but on the other hand, Callum couldn't help but feel mildly disappointed. As much as he hated Charlotte being right, Callum could see what she was getting at in terms of seeing Logan as a potential to settle down finally. He was new to Los Angeles, and although dating another employee was an issue in itself, Logan was more promising than the other people he's dated.

Logan was taken; Callum let the words settle in his head as he pressed the parking level button, using the rails of the elevator to lean against. The doors made a strange sound as they shut, the numbers above the door slowly going down.

But of course, Callum had noted the messages he read did seem a bit weird, passive-aggressive almost? He hadn't read the first few messages but did remember seeing the last message, I will find you, something suspicious. However, Callum's mind was more consumed with thoughts of this mysterious person who happened to be Logan's boyfriend than the other messages.

If he weren't feeling mildly disappointed or in an elevator, he'd text Charlotte that she was wrong and that he was right for wanting to avoid him for once. Of course, Logan was taken.

The elevator let out an eerie screech before jolting to a stop. If Callum hadn't been leaning against the opposite corner of the contraption, he'd have stumbled just as Logan had. But it wasn't the sound of metal that scared Callum as much as the sharp cry that came from the marketing head's mouth as the elevator wasn't moving up or down.

"What the fuck," Callum proclaimed, realizing that the doors weren't opening for another employee on a lower floor. Jabbing his finger into the button aggressively, he scowled at the door. "Just my luck."

Logan hadn't said anything—couldn't say anything really as he remained hunched in the corner, looking between them nervously at their newfound predicament. Callum had noticed how nervous he was from earlier, but the way he was shaking now was a stark difference.

Callum attempted pressing a few other buttons before cursing again. "Of course, just as the maintenance guys were scheduled to inspect it in a couple of days, it breaks."

Logan hadn't laughed at that or eased up to Callum's dismay. Instead, Logan's eyes were drifting to every inch of the elevator, shaking like a cornered animal.

It didn't help that he was stuck with the CEO. Callum could only imagine how terrifying it must be for Logan, wishing he had just taken the stairs, even if it meant twenty-eight flights of stairs. But if he had, it would've meant Logan being stuck in the broken elevator alone. Callum wondered what was worse.

"Broken," Logan echoed, still in utter disbelief.

Callum pressed the open button again with no results. "Yeah. We can't be the only ones leaving work right now. Surely someone will notice."

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