(The guy at the top is Ryan)

"Ryan, Lynda has kindly invited us to go and stay at their house for the next two weeks." Ben said when Ryan came over. I looked over at Ryan and he was looking at me too, I was trying to figure out what he was thinking at this moment but our moms motioned for us to leave and talk after that so we both went and sat down at our seats since we were sitting next to each other anyways. "Well fancy that Quinn, I'm staying with you for the next 2 weeks." Ryan said with a smug grin on his face. "oh shut up will you, it's not like we are room mates or anything, plus, after the weekend is over I'm going to school." "Whatever, Quinny want to dance?" I rolled my eyes at the nickname and he smirked. He actually didn't just call me Quinny really, that was the best thing he could come up with. Anyways I said yes to dancing since I didn't really have much else to do.

If I'm going to be honest, dancing with Ryan wasn't all that bad, he could be so cute when he wanted to be

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If I'm going to be honest, dancing with Ryan wasn't all that bad, he could be so cute when he wanted to be. He was actually really nice and while we were dancing, call me crazy but, I could feel this connection tat we had. We danced for a while until my feet started to get sore and I said to him "Ryan can we take a break from dancing and go sit outside somewhere, my feet are getting kind of sore." He smiled and said "Of course." We left the dance floor and went outside. It surprised me that in just an hour and a half I had liked him, then hated him and now liked him again.

We got outside and sat down on the grass, it was a lot colder out here than it was inside so I shivered. "Cold are you Quinny?" Laughing I nodded and he took off his suit jacket and put it around my shoulders. He tilted my chin up so that I was looking at him and he leaned down so that the distance between our faces was almost non existent, I closed my eyes and stood on my tiptoes but before we could kiss I felt someone pull me away. Suddenly I was being held bridal style by Grayson. "Grayson put me down now!" I yelled out, Aaron came running out of the hall barreling towards us, he stopped when he saw Grayson holding me and with a confused look said "What's going on?" "This piece of shit over here tried to make a move on our baby sister." Grayson replied before I could even open my mouth. "Oh hell no!" Aaron yelled.

I jumped out of Grayson's arms and rushed over to Ryan who was protecting himself against Aaron, who was trying to beat up Ryan and everyone came rushing out of the hall. Jasper came running over and pulled Aaron off of Ryan who was now barely standing up cause he was in a lot of pain, I saw Grayson start to move towards him and just as Grayson was about to punch Ryan in the chest, I stepped in front of Ryan and Grayson punched me in the face instead. The last thing heard was Ryan calling my name and he whispered, "Quinny, why would you do that, I could have taken it. Quinny I-" but then everything went to black.

Ryan's POV

I walked over towards mom and dad, I saw Quinn was there too, god she is so cute. Once dad told me that we were staying with Quinn for our two week holiday, I was super duper excited but I couldn't show that to anyone because then people would question it. I looked over at Quinn only to find that she was looking at me already as if trying to figure out what I was thinking, luckily I have a great poker face. Our moms kind of motioned for us to go and sit down and talk to each other so we both walked away, we talked a little bit but really when we were talking I was working up the courage to ask her to dance with me. I finally did and we danced for about half an hour before Quinn told me that her feet hurt. We went outside and Quinn was shivering so I gave her my jacket and tilted her chin up towards me and leaned down, she went on her tiptoes but before we could kiss I felt her get ripped out of my arms.

I opened my eyes and saw one of her brothers, Grayson I think his name was but I don't really know since she has six others, holding her in bridal style away from me. "Grayson put me down now!" I heard doors slam shut and looked towards the hall and saw another one of her brothers sprinting towards u. Grayson started to say how I was making a move on her and before anyone else could say anything, Aaron started to punch me. I was pretty good at defending myself since I used to have an older brother.

Next thing I knew there were a lot of people here now, I felt Aaron get pulled off me and I saw out of the corner of my eye that Quinn had jumped out of Grayson's arms and that she was coming towards me now. I looked forwards and saw that Grayson was about to punch me and I braced myself for the punch but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw Quinn laying on the floor fighting for consciousness,I started calling her name before I picked her up and whispered "Quinny, why would you do that, I could have taken it. Quinny I love you." Before sprinting to my parents car with her second oldest brother Jasper following me. "Get in the back I'll put her in the back and drive to the nearest hospital." I yelled to Jasper.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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