Episode 2

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Lorraine thought it would be good to visit Levi after buying a few things at the mall. While exiting the elevator on the fourth floor, Lorraine looks at the bags in her hand, struggling to find the one with the dresses.

LORRAINE: Now, which bag has the dress again?

VALERIE: This one.

Valerie helps Lorraine carry some of the bags.

Inside the office, Zoey was getting upset at Levi for wanting to buy Valerie a necklace and inviting her to the dinner party.

ZOEY: Why do you want to get Valerie, of all people, a necklace?

Levi and Zoey start going back and forth with Jason and Phoebe listening in. Lorraine and Valerie see them leaning against the office door when Valerie taps Phoebe's shoulder, startling Phoebe.

PHOEBE: Sorry, I didn't see you.

LORRAINE: What's happening?

JASON: Zoey's angry.

Lorraine sighs and looks at Valerie before walking past Phoebe and Jason. She slightly opens the door, and they all hear Zoey yell from inside Levi's office.

ZOEY: The dinner party? She's going to the dinner party?

LEVI: She's close to my mother, of course, she's going.

ZOEY: You know what, Levi, If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were in love with Valerie.

Lorraine steps into the office with Valerie behind her. Levi and Zoey turn their heads when they hear the door close, and Levi rises from his seat. Lorraine puts her bags down and crosses her arms.

LORRAINE: Levi, what's going on?

Levi walks towards his mother.

LEVI: Nothing, mom.

He looks over at Valerie.

LEVI: Valerie-

VALERIE: I'll be outside.

She turns to Lorraine, steps out of the office, and closes the door. Valerie walks to her desk and Phoebe sneaks towards her.

PHOEBE: We're only halfway through the week, and she's already had two meltdowns.

VALERIE: I don't even know what's going on.

PHOEBE: Oh, Levi wants to buy you a necklace.

VALERIE: What? Why?

PHOEBE: For being a great assistant.

Valerie grows confused. She leans back in her chair, crossing her arms.

Back in the office, Levi tried to calm Zoey down.

LEVI: Zoey.

ZOEY: No, Levi. This is unacceptable.

LORRAINE: Can someone explain to me what is going on?

ZOEY: Your son has forgotten who he's engaged to.

LORRAINE: What does that even mean?

ZOEY: Your son wants to get Valerie a necklace for your dinner party. Which, by the way, I don't think she should even go.

LORRAINE: Well, it's my party, and I'll invite anyone I want. Now, you need to leave so I can talk to my son.

ZOEY: I'm not leaving until I know he's not getting her that stupid necklace.


Zoey glares at Levi but then storms out of the office and sees Valerie and Phoebe. She stops for a moment before running off.

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