Episode 5

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Valerie rushes through traffic and fights the urge to honk at other cars for moving too slow, not turning their turn signals on, and not switching lanes. She tries calling Phoebe multiple times but doesn't get an answer. She reaches for her phone at a stoplight to find a faster way home. She starts the navigation while anxiously tapping on her steering wheel, waiting for the light to turn green. Getting home, she rushes into her building and presses the elevator button repeatedly until it finally opens. Entering, she presses her floor's button until she makes it to her floor. She rushes to her front door, and right before she opens it, she stops and catches her breath. She enters the apartment and places her backpack down as Phoebe rushes to her. Seeing Levi's body still and his face without color, Valerie stayed still for a moment. Phoebe calls her, and Valerie quickly goes into action. She puts pillows under his foot, pulls the ones from under his head, and as soon as he wakes, she gives him some medicine.

Valerie didn't notice Lorraine until she asked Phoebe what happened at dinner. Valerie went into the kitchen when Lorraine folded a notebook page showing a "V&L" drawing that she turned into the mall's current logo.

Valerie's heart drops, but she tries so hard not to let it show.

LORRAINE: Valerie, we'll talk tomorrow.

After Lorraine left and Phoebe went to bed, Valerie walked to the kitchen and put something for Levi in case he woke up hungry. She prepares a cup of tea next to a glass of water and some fruit. After placing it on the coffee table, she grabs the pack and touches his forehead to check his temperature before putting it back on. Wishing she could do more, she stands up and goes to her room. After changing into her pajamas, she checks on Levi one last time, still asleep. She goes back to the bedroom and plays with the door to figure out whether to close it or leave it open. After deciding to leave it open, she lays in bed. She struggles to sleep, tossing and turning in her bed. She sits up worried about Levi, so she decides to go to the living room and sits on the armchair by the couch. She crouches, and soon after, she falls asleep.

Morning came, and Levi was the first to wake up. He removes the pack from his forehead before sitting up and seeing Valerie crawled up in the armchair. He smiles. Looking over to the table, he noticed the drinks and food and immediately knew that she was the one who placed it there. He checks his watch, showing 6 am, and quickly gets up. He takes the blanket, throws it over Valerie gently, and kneels in front of her. He notices how soft her skin is and how the shape of her eyes complements the shape of her lips. A small shadow forms over her face from her hair overlaying her face as he brushes her hair away. His touch makes her flinch and adjusts herself on the chair, becoming entirely still without waking up. Levi grabs a pillow and gently lifts her to place it under her head. He adjusts the blanket, ensuring she's covered well, before taking one last look at her. He sees the note with his doctor's number and writes something under it, placing it on the table and leaving her apartment.

Phoebe walks into the living room a few hours later to wake Valerie.

PHOEBE: Wake up, we got to go to work.

Valerie quickly lifts her head at the sound of Phoebe's voice. She reaches over for her phone and sees it's 8:12 am.

VALERIE: I must've overslept.

PHOEBE: I turned off your alarm. I thought you could use the sleep. I washed the dishes you left out for Levi too.

PHOEBE: Where is he?

PHOEBE: He must've left.

Valerie sits up, rubbing her eyes, noticing the blanket over her. She faintly smiles before seeing a note on the table. Valerie reaches over, grabs it, and reads it before Phoebe approaches her.

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