Episode 9

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Levi tries to run and put on his shoes to chase Valerie but fails as she drives away. He runs his hands through his hair before running back inside to get his keys and passes by Jason.

JASON: Levi, what happened? I saw Valerie runoff.

LEVI: I have to catch up to her. Can you lock up?

JASON: Sure, yeah.

LEVI: Thanks.

Jason stands still as Levi runs past him. Out of breath, he gets into his car and drives to Valerie's apartment. While driving, Levi calls her repeatedly only to get her voicemail. After a few minutes, he gets a call and is quick to answer.

LEVI: Oh, thank god. I thought you weren't going to answer.

ZOEY: Where are you?!

LEVI: Zoey.

He says under his breath.

ZOEY: I have been waiting for you for almost an hour. You need to get here, now!

LEVI: I thought you said if I wast there in 30 minutes, the wedding was off.

ZOEY: I only said that to get you to show up.

LEVI: Well, I already said the engagement is off.

ZOEY: Do you not remember what I told you?

LEVI: Zoey, I don't have time for-

ZOEY: This wedding is happening, whether you like it or not.

LEVI: You know what, Zoey? Do what you want. At the end of the day, you're going to be the only one standing at that alter.

Levi hangs up.

LEVI: Valerie, where are you?

As Levi continues looking for Valerie, she finds herself waiting in front of Books and Coffee Villa. She gets out of the car and walks to the door. She tries to open it but finds out it's locked, yet she gently tugs at the door and progresses to pull harder with both hands. She grows frustrated as the doors don't open and eventually hits it with both hands, putting her head against the door and sighing in defeat. Her hands drop from the door handles, and she walks back to her car.

She gets in her car and thinks back to every moment she had with Levi after the dinner party. Moments like when Levi fell on her, when they danced, and the few times they almost kissed. She then remembers what he said. "If I had confronted you, would you have admitted them to me?" He was right.

Valerie pulls out her phone and sees Levi calling again but rejects his call.

Levi came to a complete stop to stare at his phone as Valerie rejected his call. He takes a minute to think before he decides to call Phoebe, who's getting ready for bed.

PHOEBE: Hello?

LEVI: Phoebe, it's Levi.

PHOEBE: Hey, what's going on?

LEVI: Is Valerie home?

PHOEBE: No. She left a few hours ago. Why? Is something wrong?

Phoebe starts worrying.

LEVI: No, everything's fine. I just- when she gets home, can you tell her to call me.

PHOEBE: Sure thing.

LEVI: Thanks.

He hangs up. He thinks again and quickly calls Lorraine. Lorraine eats her dinner with a glass of wine when her phone rings.


LEVI: Mom. It's Levi.

LORRAINE: Hi, honey, how are you?

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