Episode 10

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What can be more potent than a kiss? Whether a simple peck or those passionate ones, the bond between two people instantly becomes stronger. So many people wait a lifetime for that one special kiss that can make the greatest love of all. Everything that anyone needs to know can be said when their lips touch for the first time. The same can be said for Valerie and Levi's first kiss. Their lips interact, and Valerie can't help but express every emotion she keeps to herself. Her kiss tells him why she had to keep her feelings a secret. Her kiss says she should've told him sooner if it meant being this close to him. Levi tells her that he was wrong; It should've been her from the beginning. He should've realized how she felt a long time ago—he apologies. But in the act of fear, Valerie pulls away from the kiss.

VALERIE: You can't do that.

LEVI: Valerie-

VALERIE: You can't do that. ? You're engaged.

LEVI: I'm not. I told you I'm canceling the wedding.

VALERIE: No, This is- it's one of your ways of trying to get me to confess again.

LEVI: I'm the one who's confessing right now.

VALERIE: I need to go.

LEVI: No, Valerie.

Valerie takes a step back and starts walking out of Levi's office.

LEVI: Valerie!

VALERIE: I need to clear off my desk.

Levi runs ahead of Valerie and stops her from opening the door.

VALERIE: Get out of the way.

Levi doesn't move.

VALERIE: Levi, move.

Valerie tugs at the door, making Levi lose his grip. She forcefully moves his hands and opens the door. Levi follows her.

LEVI: I'm going to talk. All you have to do is listen.

Valerie rolls her eyes and starts putting things in her backpack.

LEVI: You can call me whatever you want: an idiot, oblivious, a jerk. I'm all those things. I made a mistake. I shouldn't have tried to coerce you into confessing. Valerie-

He grabs her backpack to stop her and get her to look at him.

LEVI: - I'm not saying this to get a confession out of you. Even if you don't say it out loud, I know it. And I need you to know that I feel the same way.

Valerie glares at him. He steps closer, trying to kiss her again, but Valerie pulls away.

VALERIE: I don't believe you.

She takes her backpack from him and keeps putting things away.

LEVI: Then let me prove it.

Valerie stops. Phoebe walks to Valerie's desk.

PHOEBE: Val, can you get me a copy of-

Levi and Valerie look over at Phoebe.

PHOEBE: I can come back later.

VALERIE: No, Phoebe. What do you need?

Levi walks back into his office without saying anything.

PHOEBE: Is everything okay?

VALERIE: Yeah, it's all good.

PHOEBE: Then why are you packing your stuff?

Phoebe gasps, realizing what's happening.

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