ep 7 fixing hero's messes part 1

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It would seem the group had a new job the next day as it was delivering Herbicide to a village of the south, like a ton that some of them needed to ride on Kurthnaga's back

Naofumi: (why would they need so much herbicide and why so quickly)

Lusamine: (the most likely case is it might be either a living plant like a monster plant)

Naofumi: (maybe)

Kurthnaga: "naofumi i believe i see why we need so much herbicide"

Naofumi would look outside as he would see vines growing out towards thier current location connecting back to the village

Naofumi: "guess he's right, they need ton of herbicides"

Raphtalia: "master Naofumi look there" she would point to the direction of mostly plant infested town

Naofumi: "alright then lets get over there on the double" he would move the ropes to single fortress to go faster as he would rage towards the town as Kurthnaga follow

Hektor: "i guess we have to walk away so the villagers don't see you"

Kurthnaga: "yeah but maybe soon enough due to how people are accepting of dragons but not transforming Infront of them" soon they would reach the location

Villager: "i don't know how I can thank you enough, this place was about to fall prey to the vines too"

Raphtalia: "how about burning them or did you already tried it that"

Villager: "we tried everything we can think of, we even resort to summoning adventurers but the situation was worse then before"

"Our village was already run by the vines, what's worse the plants turn into monsters and started to attak us"

Naofumi: "i see then" (so guess you were partly right Lusamine)

Soon they would hear screaming pass the wall which

Villager: "some adventurers decided to level up but when they left the village they had no idea what was in-store for them, i beg them to stay"

Naofumi: "Rory, Kurthnaga find the adventurers and bring them back to the village"

Rory: "alright then cia"

Kurthnaga: "I'll keep her from getting out of control" soon they would dash away with Rory being the far faster one

Soon they would get about 3 adventurers as they place them to the ground

Rory: "there were plant monsters everywhere as some spit poison or acid at me" (they were quite weak though)

Kurthnaga: "indeed and Rory regeneration did cancel our each but i did burn some which ones did regenerate but i was able to turn them to ash"

Villagers would soon realize something when looking at fortress: "wait could it be the rage dragon"

"The savior of the rage dragon came to here as well"

Villager 1: "sir can you please tell us are you really the savior of the carriage drawn by the rage dragon"

Naofumi: "sorry wrong guy"

Raphtalia: "master Naofumi"

Villager: "we beg you please your powers to heal our sick there's no greater good you could do"

Duga: "alright then lets check up on them" soon they were led to a tent as people had plants growing on them to slowly eat them

Villager: "as you can see the plants are devouring thier bodies"

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