ep 8 fixing the heroes messes part 2

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At the late of night it would seem naofumi would make a ring which had a gold color which seems to be new as well as other things as he would lack sleep

Da Vinci: "i notice you haven't been sleeping for a while why's that?"

Naofumi: "oh nothing much just making things"

Da Vinci: "oh really but you must feel tired right now in this late of night, I'll stand watch"

Naofumi: "i believe i can stay up a bit longer but it seems you'll insist correct"

Da Vinci chuckle a bit: "yeah if you're not to sleep I'll stay up a little longer" soon the night would pass as it seems naofumi would get some rest

Naofumi would wake up as he would get fortress ready till they notice a woman and a kid

Naofumi would cook a small meal for them as the woman would say

Lady: "you folks best turn back while you can"

Kid: "If you keep going forward in this path, you'll die"

Naofumi: "we heard there's a village down this path"

Lady: "the village is devastated, even the villager elder got sick by the plague"

Soon they would head towards the village as shinya would thought about the plauge

Raphtalia: "what's happening there"

Naofumi: "we'll know soon" they would arrive in the village as duga went down

Old man: "well what brings you to a godforsaken place like this"

Naofumi: "I'm a traveling merchant i got medicine to sell"

Old man: "traveling merchant you say-wait that beast could it be, is that the dragon of rage" he would run towards a building: "doctor quick"

Soon they would come back with a man in white robe

Hektor: "what was all that about and a doctor"

Doctor: "i run the village clinic if i may are you, are you really"

Naofumi: "I'm just here to sell medicine"

Doctor: "even that would be a great help, i can't make enough for everyone"

Soon they would check the sick as they examine them

Nurse: "oh doctor are these people with you"

Doctor: "they just arrived, they're going to sell us some medicine"

Naofumi: "looking at this i probably should give them myself" soon he would give them the medicine to cure the the immediate illness but not the cause

Naofumi would head out then seeing someone grieving for another passing

Rory: "it seems others were lost before then and that illness it's was unlike what we saw before"

Naofumi: "true but we should discuss our payment" soon they would return to the doctor

Naofumi: "50 silvers huh"

Doctor: "we can't thank you enough dear sir"

Naofumi: "actually it's a bit short but I'll guess I'll take it"

Doctor: "you were truly a great help, now we stain the immediate crisis"

Naofumi: "is that enough for you, all i did is treat them not cure them in no time they'll be right back to square one"

Alicetaria: "it's unfortunate i would prefer if we end it right now"

Naofumi: "i wouldn't mind since I'll make good money anyway, so what'll last longer"

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