Death has a price

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The tower began to crumble, Anne was breathing heavily, she was dying. Sasha wouldn't let her friend die...

Sasha looked over to see Grime at the bottom of the tower, Sasha wasn't gonna get help from him. Rushing down the stairs of the tower Sasha was trying to convince Anne everything was gonna be ok but it didn't seem that way.

Sasha reached the bottom of the tower, out of breath, she looked down at her hands, they were stained with Anne's blood.

Sasha placed Anne down, their was fear in Sasha's eyes. She quickly check her pulse to make sure Anne was still alive, thank god she was.

Sasha had grabbed Anne's backpack earlier, she was glad she did. She began to sift through Anne's backpack to see if there was anything to help her in there. There were bandages and some gauze and other little trinkets and toys.

Sasha looked back at Anne, she wasn't breathing...Sasha panicked.

"NO..COME ON YOU AREN'T DYING GOD DAMIT..I..I won't let you.." Sasha was frantically checking Anne for a pulse, it was faint.

Sasha was at the bottom entrance of the tower, the room was going to cave in on them sooner or later so Sasha scooped up Anne and took her outside.

"I don't wanna set up down on the ground Anne but I'm not sure where else to put you.." Sasha set Anne down, she was getting ready to pull out the dagger from Anne's side.

"Listen Anne this is gonna hurt but I have to do it.." Pulling it out was kinda like taking off a bandage..Right? Sasha pulled out the dagger causing more blood to spill out, Anne barely said anything.

Sasha began to put gauze on the stab wound and then wrap it around in bandage, but the wound didn't stop bleeding..No matter how much bandage and gauze Sasha put it kept on bleeding through.

Anne stopped breathing..And so did her heart..

Fading regrets (Amphibia death AU)Where stories live. Discover now