Ghostly appearance

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Marcy stared out the window at the bottom of the staircase.

The sun was setting and you could just see the moon peaking out. Luckily, Sasha's room had a great view of the beautiful orange and yellow hues that sat on the skyline.

Marcy was running up the stairs, she had recently given Sasha some food but she didn't seem to care. Marcy was going up to check on her. On Marcy's way up to Sasha's room she nearly slipped.

Marcy reached her door and began to twist the doorknob when she stopped and thought.

"Somethings been up with Sasha today..Maybe I could ask her what's wrong?"

Before Marcy could muter another word, she entered Sasha's room.

"hey Sasha! I hope you enjoyed the food I brought up for you!" Marcy looked over to see Sasha had barley touched it.

"Oh, you could have said that you weren't hungry Sash.." Marcy sighed as she picked up Sasha's full plate of food.

Sasha grabbed Marcy's hand causing her to drop the plate.

"Oh frog.." Marcy said in frustration as she sat down on the bed with Sasha.

"I don't mean to pry but is something bothering you Sash? You can tell me if you want" Marcy asked as she put her hand on Sasha's shoulder.

"I know I'm not the best at comforting people but I wanna make sure that my friends ok" Marcy said.

"Is it about Anne? Did something happen between you two? If you've even seen Anne." Marcy asked

Sasha glared at her like a slash from a sword, but Marcy saw through her anger to find sadness and her eyes filled with cloudy tears.

Sasha sobbed as she laid her head onto Marcy's chest for comfort. Marcy didn't know what to say she usually didn't get this far when trying to help someone with their problems.

"Sasha..What happened..?" Marcy asked.

"ITS ALL MY FAULT"Sasha shouted as streams of tears rolled down her face.

"What's all your fault..? Sasha I can't help if you don't tell me what's going on!" Marcy said as she held Sasha's hand.

"ITS ANNE..SHES DEAD..." Sasha shouted.

The room went silent..Even the bugs and giant birds had become quiet and so did the howling winds.

The moon has finally peaked out from its hidden cove under the sun, it wasn't full like last night but it was instead a crescent, it seemed that moons phases here were different than the human world.

Marcy looked in the mirror to see a strange reflection..It was Anne!

"But..Annes right there Sasha.." Marcy said as she pointed towards the mirror.

"THIS ISNT A TIME TO JOKE MARCY!" Sasha yelled as she pushed Marcy away from her.

Sasha looked into the mirror to see..Anne..

"How the hell..? Is this some kind of joke.." Sasha said as she turned around to see Anne or well a blueish Anne.

Sasha reached out to hug her but she just went through Anne's body, it's seems as if it were transparent but at first glance it didn't look like that.

Sasha rubbed her eyes to see a blueish transparent form of Anne in her room. She couldn't believe it, was Anne here to haunt her and make her suffer..?

Anne walked towards Sasha and gave her a hug, it almost felt real..Soon after Anne's ghostly body faded away.

Sasha felt to her knees in disbelief..Anne's soul was still alive and free while her body was not...Was her soul to be trapped in this world forever..?

Fading regrets (Amphibia death AU)Where stories live. Discover now