Set in stone

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"The girls body still has life in her..Why not use her for my host..?"

"But my lord! We already have a perfectly good host whose well and alive..If I used that girls body it would be inhumane.."

"That girl has power..and I need a strong body to help me lead a army to war.."

Andrias sighed, "I-...Fine I'll do it"

He placed his crown down in frustration. Andrias walked over to close the curtains to his window.

Opening up the huge doors that led to the rest of the castle he left a little friendly note saying, "I'm going out on a walk so don't worry if you can't find me!"

Andrias had seen the girl in his dreams, her name was Anne. Her body laid near toad towers shaken remains..Poor girl didn't even get a burial..

*Marcy's POV*

I looked over to see Sasha on her knees crying, Sasha looked up at me with a depressive expression.

"WE CAN BRING HER BACK RIGHT..?! PLEASE SAY WE CAN!! THESE NEWTS ARE SMART SO THERE MUST BE A WAY TO BRING HER BACK..I know I messed up but I just wanna see her again and let her know that I'm sorry..I DIDNT MEAN TO HURT HER"

Sasha looked as if she had just poured her heart out to let it be exposed to me, I don't know what she wanted me to do..I'm not good at comforting people..So I did the only thing I knew to do, I hugged her.

We were locked in this hug for 10 minutes, Sasha looked so tired she'd been through so much, just looking at her crying is like a bullet to my chest.

The aftermath of this was my shirt being stained with her tears. I made sure Sasha knew she could come and talk to me anytime she needed.

I left her room and entered mine, well that's gonna be a lot for my brain to process..So Anne's dead and it's Sashas fault..? No it was an accident, Sasha would never hurt Anne..

I looked out the window to see..ANDRIAS?? What was he doing out this late??

I waved at him or well I flashed my mirror at him to make a light to catch his attention.

He turned around surprised and shouted, "HELLO MARCY!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THIS LATE?"


Andrias chuckled and shouted back for a finale time, "IM GOING FOR A WALK!!"

"OH OK!!" I said as I waved a goodbye to him.


"Well aren't you going to get the girl..What did you say her name was, oh right Anne"

Andrias was in shock, "How are you here..I-I"

Before he could finish his sentence he was cut off, "do you seriously think that crown is going to keep me away from you? Honestly Andrias why do you paint yourself as the good're down right bad and don't think that you can change, this is your destiny or well prophecy..Your life is set in stone! Now let's go get me a host.."

Andrias groaned, "I don't know how I put up with you"

Andrais finally arrived at the remains of toad tower, he looked over to see a grave with the name: "Anne boonchuy" without hesitation he dug up her grave pulling her body out..

"See I told you that you're the bad guy..digging up a grave with no remorse.."

Andrias stared down at Anne's lifeless could she still have some energy left in her..?

Fading regrets (Amphibia death AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora