Re-born again

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The sun had risen spreading light throughout the land purging its darkness, this light shined into Sasha's room, today she would meet the king.

Lady Olivia had set out some Newtopia armor which was similar to Marcy's, on her bedside table. Sasha groaned as she got up out of bed, she noticed she still had Anne's backpack..Sasha looked through it to find some old clothes in her backpack, Anne said that they were a bit too big for her but they fit Sasha just right.

Finally Sasha's look was completed and it wasn't half bad!

"Come on Sasha! Hurry up I'm gonna introduce you to the king!!" Marcy shouted as she knocked on Sasha's door.

"I'm coming Marmar!!" Sasha replied.

She opened her door and ran down the stairs, Marcy was patiently waiting for her at the bottom of them.

"You excited to meet the king of Amphibia? Marcy asked, her body was shaking with excitement

"Why are you excited you've met him before I mean you work with him.." Sasha asked

"Well I think it's exciting to be able to show people the king of Amphibia!!" Marcy said

Lady Olivia escorted Sasha and Marcy to the throne room where King Andrias laid dormant.

"King Andrias your guests are here, and please try to act proper for once.." Lady Olivia said

"Haha I see you've brought a friend Marcy! Now what's your name..?" Andrias's voice boomed throughout the castle

"Uh..My names Sasha- Sasha Waybright" Sasha said

"Oh how wonderful it is to be able to meet one of Marcy's friends! You know I have special gift for you..!" Andrias said

Andrais put both his big knuckles out as if he were asking for a fist bump.

"Pick a hand!" Andrias said

He nodded to his left hand but when Sasha chose that hand it was empty, but Andrias pulled out a gold card and handed it to Sasha.

"Now this is the royal credit card, it basically has unlimited's my gift to you while you stay here in Newtopia!" Andrais said

"Woah..this is epic!" Sasha said but soon after she handed it to Marcy.

"I'm gonna be going into town, you're coming with me right?" Marcy asked

"Yeah I'm coming.." Sasha said as she stared back at Andrais

"Wait hold on Marcy I need to talk to the king for a second.." Sasha said as Marcy nodded at her in a approval.

Marcy left the throne room now it was just her and king Andrias..

"So what do you need from me Sasha..?" Andrias asked

"I know what you did.." Sasha said angrily

"What are you talking about..?" Andrias asked while trying to remain calm

"Oh nothing..Just that you forgot to give me an epic sword!" Sasha chuckled

Andrias sighed in relief, "yes, I'll make sure to get on that!"

"Keep an eye on her for me will you, Andrias..?"

"Oh shut up.." Andrias mumbled

Sasha left the throne room and walked out to greet Marcy as they headed on their way to the stores.

Andrias opened up a secret passageway that led down to a basement..

"Ahh..My finest creation we finally meet again..Is it funny how I have brought your soul back to life..? Are astonished, Anne boonchuy. Oh wait you can't respond your stuck in that tank..!" Andrias smirked

Andrias put his hand on the tank, "You have so many great things ahead of you child, you just don't know yet."

"Oh Andrias you're really just like me..So when do I get my host..?"

"Be patient my lord when the time comes-

"'When the time comes' Andrias there's no time to wait we must strike when we can.."

"No you're wrong, if we can get the calamity box back then we strike.." Andrias said

"But what if we don't..?"


Time: 5:37 PM

Sasha had just finished shopping for stuff with Marcy, it was quite tiring.

For the last time she rummaged through Anne's backpack, this time she found a box..The one that brought them here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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