Asakusa: Part 1

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Captain Ōbi called everyone, apparently he had something to discuss. When everyone was together he slammed a report on the table.

Ōbi: Thanks to (y/n), we may have found a lead.

Maki: Wow, blast from the past...

Arthur: This is the report of Company 8's first call?

Tamaki: I see. That is interesting...

Shinra: Come to think of it, how was Company 8 formed?

Iris: I haven't heard anything before I joined either.

Ōbi and Hinawa look at each other.

Ōbi: Good point. We do have some new members, and it will be good for them to know what Company 8 is about. Lieutenant, tell them about it!

Hinawa: Why me?

Ōbi: You're a better talker. That's an order.

Tamaki: Is ok for me to hear this?

Maki: I don't see why not.

The Lieutenant went on to say how Captain Ōbi asked him to join this hastily formed Company. Since at the time there was only two members, Hinawa suggest that Maki should be added to the company as well.

Arthur: Wow.

Maki: Huh?

Shinra: That's our Maki.

Maki: What? I thought you invited me because I was a clump of muscles with nothing but strength going for me. I didn't know you said that about me Lieutenant... Heh heh... I'm flattered.

<Damn it! She actually bought that lie!?>

[Didn't seem like a lie]

<Shut up!>

Arthur: I'm just surprised to learn that Maki was ever thin.

Maki, annoyed, put Arthur in a headlock.

Maki: Who are you calling a gorilla cyclops?

Arthur: I... I Didn't say that!

Ōbi: Thanks for that Lieutenant. The spirit of Company 8 hasn't changed since the day it was formed! To the dying. We give out prayers and respect... And to the living, we give release from the dead. We value human life... That's what we're about.

Shinra: I don't know if this is the right time... But there's something I want to say too. The thing is...

Shinra told everyone about a man named Joker told him his brother may still be alive. Shinra went on to explain how he believes his brother may be working with for the Evangelist, as a commander of his order of Knights.

Shinra: And that's everything Joker told me.

Ōbi: I see...

[Things are getting complicated. We didn't expect for Shinra to know about Sho already]

<Like we said... We jumped in the deep end now. No turning back>

Arthur: But you heard all this from Joker. Can you trust it?

(Y/n): Who's Joker? Is he a clown?

Tamaki: Joker's the guy who crashed the Rookie Games and put all those Fire Soldiers in danger. Maybe he's just trying to confuse you again, by giving you weird information.

Shinra: I was told that my brother died in the fire 12 years ago... That not even his bones were left. After all this time, I can't believe it either.

(Y/n): Trust your gut Shinra. Hasn't let me down!

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