Chapter 1

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800 words


"And the court finds Mr Michael Afton to be...guilty! Michael Afton, you have been sentenced to life in prison for aggravated assault, sexual harassment and assault, and physical violence towards Eden Gray."

He scowled at me as he was taken away, officers pulling on the chains between his wrists, warning him to leave me alone.

That was was finally over...Michael was gone forever, and he wouldn't be able to hurt me again...

It felt unreal. Almost too good to be true. I couldn't move. Couldn't breathe, couldn't see. It all came crashing down at once. Everything I'd just done, everything that just happened, everything I'd been fighting for, for the past three years.

I'd just sent Michael to prison. Was that supposed to be a good thing? It was. Then why didn't it FEEL good? Why did I feel as though I'd done something wrong. Something bad. I wasn't supposed to feel like this. It wasn't fair.

I quickly turned around and ran out of the doors to the courtroom, desperate to try and catch him before he left.

There he was, walking towards the van. "Michael!" I couldn't stop myself. "Wait!"

He turned around and smiled.

But it wasn't the same smile as before. This one was malicious. Evil. It didn't bother to conceal his thoughts, I knew exactly what he was thinking, and he knew that. He leaned forwards slightly, his hot breath on my ear.

"Don't miss me too much sweetheart. I'll be back soon."

And with that he leaned back, climbing into the backseat of the car, that spine chilling grin still plastered on his face, and they drove off.

~~~2 weeks later~~~

I haven't been home since he was taken away. I've been living with my sister, Evelyn, her husband, Charlie, and their two children, Jonah and Jake.

It's nice here. Evie and Charlie are wonderful parents, they love their kids to pieces and they show it all the time. Their sons are so well behaved as well. Jonah's 7 and Jake's 15. Jake's only 5 years younger than me, yet he seems so much more mature.

"Boys! Dinner time!" I got up from my place on the sofa to go and help set the table, hearing two sets of footsteps thundering down the stairs.

"Calm down you too, the food's not even on the table yet. It's not going anywhere. Now go and help your parents and I bring the plates in from the kitchen," the smiled and nodded and I ruffled their hair, following behind them as they dashed into the kitchen to grab the nearest plates.

"How are you doing hun? Go sit down, you don't need to help. We've been over this before, you're a guest here! It'll be rude of us to make you work!" Evelyn slapped my shoulder lightly, pushing me towards the dining table.

"Evie let me help, please. I have huge news for you all that I want to share with you, and the more people helping set the table, the faster I can tell you," she sighed and reluctantly handed me a plate.

"Fine. But ONLY because you have news." I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Thanks Evie, love you."

We all sat in our designated seats at the table and started eating, and I decided it was the right time to speak up. "Guys, I have some news....I'll be moving out in 8 days. I have a new job, and..and mine and Michael's house just sold for a much higher price than I'd hoped for, and so I bought that house that I went to go look at a few days ago. I'll be out of your hair soon enough, don't you worry." I tried making a lighthearted joke at the end to attempt to cheer up Jake and Jonah, they looked absolutely crushed.

"'re gonna leave us?" The younger one asked, glassy green eyes looking up at me. My heart broke. "No! No no of course not! I'm just gonna stay in my own house a little bit further away! I'll come and visit all the time though, I promise. And hey, look on the bright side. Now you don't have to share a room with your brother anymore!" I gently wiped the tears from his cheeks and pulled him into a hug.

"Please don't be sad, Jonathan. You know I'd NEVER leave you. I'll come visit you, and you can come visit me. Okay, little dude?" He pulled back and smiled. "Okay!"

We smiled and continued eating dinner, and I answered the occasional question I got about my new home. I couldn't wait to move in and start all over again. Without Michael this time.

Everything was going to be perfect.

What did u guys think? Be honest.

It's going to get dramatic quite quickly, but not TOO rapidly.

If u guys have any constructive criticism as well, please do share it.

Chapter 2 will be out by 10pm on Wednesday the 9th (hopefully).

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