Chapter 4

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Sorry for leaving u guys on a cliffhanger for 2 days longer than I was supposed to..

I'll try to give u guys an extra update or two tomorrow to make up for it, I promise <33

⚠️️ WARNING ⚠️ a few swear words ARE used in this. I think there's around 3 or 4. Just a heads up for u guys.

700 words (as always, not including any of the A/N bits of writing)


My eyes widened and I froze in fear. I opened my mouth to speak but instead of words leaving my mouth, I felt his lips touch mine. I looked at him shocked. His eyes were closed, he seemed focused...his mouth moved perfectly and the kiss felt amazing. His broes furrowed slightly when I didn't kiss back and he was about to pull away when I regained control of my body and began to move my lips against his. He stilled for a second before recovering and kissing me harder.

Was this really happening?

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Leaning back, he pulled me onto his lap and sighed slightly when I opened my mouth to kiss him deeper.


He looked so perfect. I couldn't believe Michael could ever hurt someone like this. Who the fuck did he think he was? Why on EARTH would you damage and traumatise a poor soul like EDEN?!

I couldn't stop myself, and I cupped his cheek. Immediately, he flushed a bright pink and stared at ne with wide eyes. How adorable..

I leaned in slightly, repeatedly darting my eyes between his lips and his eyes. I licked my lips and watched as his eyes followed the movement of my tongue and his cheeks glowed an even brighter red.

I kissed him.

I actually kissed him!

This was happening! Finally! I was kissing him, but he wasn't kissing back..I was about to pull away when I felt it. I felt his mouth move against mine and my heart ached with happiness and relief.

Does this mean he's mine now? Would he even WANT that?

I hope so. I want him so badly. In more ways than one. I pulled him onto my lap amd felt his arms wrap tightly around my neck. Fuck, he's so perfect. And he's such an amazing kisser. I could do this forever. Michael was stupid for letting him go. For taking him for granted. For everything he did.

But you know what? Fuck him. Eden's mine now. I'm sure of it. Even if he's not mine right this very second, he will be soon. I know he will. I'll convince him to say yes, and we'll live together and grow old together and be happy for the rest of our lives.

He purd away. No no no why was he pulling away?! No, stay here! Keep kissing me! He got off of my lap, and the rest of the night was a blur. I remember leaving his house and waking up the next morning in my own bed, with red, puffy eyes and a slightly blotchy face. Did I cry myself to sleep? Or did I have a nightmare? Whatever. I have worm today, it's Monday, so I have a day shift at the pizzeria. Hooray.


I didn't want to push him away. The kiss was so nice. But I knew I had to. It didn't feel right. I urged him to leave, telling him it was late and I had work tomorrow. Same excuse as always. He believed it though, and left my house in no time.

An hour later and I was laying in bed, still thinking about the kiss. If I hadn't kicked him out, how far would we have taken it? Would we have left it at just some innocent kissing? Would we have gone all the way? I don't know, and I will never know.

I regretted kicking him out. Maybe I should've at least let him spend the night. Even though he lives just next door, it was still rude of me, making him walk home in the cold and the dark. It was like 11pm!

I shook my head gently, trying not to overthink it. No point regretting it now, what's done is done. You can apologise tomorrow. Try to get some sleep, you need it. My phone buzzed.

Oh. Nevermind then. I'll just check that and go to sleep.

Unknown number:
I've only been gone a week, dear. You're replacing me already? Well we certainly can't have that, can we?

Another message came through.

We both know I'm your favourite, right?


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