Chpater 2

71 4 7


I'm gonna try writing in 3rd person, tell me which you prefer and I'll edit the other chapter so they match cause I can NOT decide.

Warning: slight use of violent language. No slurs or anything but there IS swearing. (Only 1 swear word though)

900 words


Eden huffed as he heaved the last boxes onto his front lawn. He waved the van drivers goodbye with aching arms and slumped down onto the ground, whining to himself.

"Great, now I have to take them all INSIDE as well!" He stood up with a groan and reached inside his pockets for the keys to his new home. "...fuck." He'd left his keys in the van. Either that, or they were in one of these boxes somewhere. He looked around at the 30 (he guessed, that seemed accurate) boxes laid out in front of the house and shook his head. No. No way. No WAY was he going to go through them all. He'd just have to break in.

He heard something shuffle behind him and spun around to see a tall, VERY handsome guy bent down, reaching for something in front of him. When the mysterious hunk stood up again, Eden got a good look at his face. God damn was this guy pretty. Eden blushed.

"Uh, hey neighbour. I'm at the house next door. Number 13. I saw you pulling all your boxes out of the van and you looked like you could use some help, so I thought I could come out here, see if you needed any assistance?" Eden grinned widely, nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes yes YES! That would be AMAZING! Thank you SO MUCH! Let me just get this front door op-" he paused "....oh. Never mind. I...heheh....I lost my keys and I'm not sure where I placed them..." Mystery Guy smirked and held up his hand, a set of keys dangling off his finger. "These keys?" He raised an eyebrow, jingling them in front of his face.

Eden blushed bright red amd snatched them out of his hand, shoving them into his pocket and praying to all the gods above that Mystery Guy didn't see the bright pink, sparkly keyring he had on there. "Y-yes. Thank you."

"You kinda need them OUT of your pocket. To get into the house and all," Eden muttered some profanities under his breath and grumpily reached into his pocket to, once again, take out the keys. "Yeah yeah I know. I never caught your name, by the way."

His new neighbour smirked and leaned close to Eden's ear. "Jayden. I'm Jayden." Eden blushed at the proximity and intimacy of their position and coughed, stepping back slightly. "Nice to meet you Jayden. I'm Eden." Jayden nodded.

"I know. Your name is on the boxes. And your keys. I got a real good look at them when I was picking them up off the floor. Nice accessories you got on there." Eden sighed. "Do you get off on embarrassing me or something? You some kind of sadistic jerk? I thought you were here to HELP me, not BULLY me?"

"I AM here to help you. Bullying you is just an added bonus," Jayden winked at him, and Eden ignored the gesture, opening his front door and stepping inside. "WHAT?! Your living room's TWICE the size of mine!! How is THAT fair?!" Jayden ran into his neighbour's house, looking around the living room. "I'm staying here forever. I'm moving in."

Eden kicked him. "No. Help me move my boxes and unpack my stuff and it'll turn into a maybe." Jayden got to work, sprinting around the house, moving boxes to their designated rooms. With a little guidance from Eden on which room was which, the two were done unpacking by 11pm.

They were on the sofa, panting amd laying there in silence. Nothing to be heard but heavy breaths until Jayden spoke up. "Want a drink? I saw you have some expensive alcohol. How do you AFFORD that?" Eden smiled "My parents are wealthy and they dont know what else to buy me so they get me alcohol for birthdays and Christmases. I'm not much of a drinker though, never have been. Not after..." he stopped. Afraid to open up too much too quickly.

"After...what?" Jayden gently coaxed. He didn't want to push the boy, he'd grown fond of Eden very quickly, but he was curious as to why he stopped mid sentence. "Nothing, dont worry. It's late, you should go. I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight."

Eden stood up, urging Jayden out of his house. The boy reluctantly stood up and walked towards the front door, head down low. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you. It's not my business. I shouldn't have pried after you'd stopped talking. You were clearly uncomfortable, and I'm sorry for testing your limits when it's not my place."

The poor thing. He sounded like a dejected puppy...Eden wasn't mad at him, of course not. And even if he was, he couldn't stay mad at that face forever. "It's okay. I'm not mad. I just need some time, that's all. Besides, it really is late. I'll talk to you some other time, Jayden. Bye." Eden let out a small smile as he watched his new neighbour walk out of his new door, and down his new front lawn. They waved goodbye one last time before each closing the entrance to their homes.

Eden felt bad for kicking Jayden out so suddenly, but he knew it was for the best. He'd talk to Jayden about it in the morning, but now he needed to get to bed.

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